26:Destroying The Lie

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"What the hell is the meaning of this, Shikamaru?"

The scene was extremely tense, as the two opposing sides stood opposite to each other, glaring daggers at one another, Hinata and Sasuke were hidden behind the large bundle of villagers standing infront of them, making them partially invisible to the others. Whereas, Naruto himself stood firm with a steely look in his eyes alongside his father, Tobirama, Hiruzen and Hiashi. Who were all glaring straight at the white-haired shinobi standing with the people of the hidden leaf. But, the moment Shikamaru stepped in, everyone broke out of their glares and turned to the laid back shinobi with looks of confusion on their faces.

Shikamaru smoked his cigarette with a relaxed expression as he turned to the loud voice coming from the Uzumaki. "Like I said, Naruto, before this whole troublesome ordeal you all started, Sasuke told me and Sakura of a less violent alternative to our problem" Shikamaru's words left the kage wide-eyed, and some with anger. The remaining members of the rookie nine also finally caught on, they remembered the moment the Uchiha had approached them in their room. 

Kakashi himself was also trying to figure out what angle Shikamaru was trying to pitch in now. Because, his ex-student did not say anything about any alternatives when they had talked and clashed in the training grounds. "When did this happen, Shikamaru?" Kakashi asked him in a solemn voice, looking straight at him.

The genius Nara turned to Kakashi and let out a sigh. "Just this morning actually. And even though I don't trust Sasuke myself, and I didn't know before whether I should believe his words or not. But.......after seeing this entire shitshow, I think his plan is better then whatever this is" Shikamaru let out in an exasperated tone. But the sudden rise in chakra was not missed by anyone in the area. 

"YOU FOOL! I have had enough of you children stepping in! Get out of the way, Nara. The Uchiha's fate is already sealed. The moment he took over this village, he became our mortal enemy and nothing is going to change that!" The second was literally seething with rage and fury. And the just ridiculous amounts of chakra that was rolling off him was sending shivers down the spines of everyone their. 

But the moment the other two kages noticed that the second was becoming extremely hostile, they immediately stepped in. "That's enough Lord second" The third said in a calm but stern voice as he placed one hand on Tobirama's shoulder, while Minato slowly took out his special thunder god kunai.

"Hiruzen! What are you doing? Can you not see that this is our chance to take down this scum, once and for all? He is the enem--" Tobirama's booming voice was cut off by the soft yet authoritative whisper from the Third.

"Tobirama-senpai. Please, lower your chakra. I believe this course of action will not benefit anyone. Engaging in a fight at this moment will not only harm the village but we can end up killing innocent civilians as well. So.......I ask of you to calm down and let us hear what the child has to say. His words will help us determine our next move" The others curiously watched the quiet exchange between the two past leaders of the village, but the one thing everyone noticed was the way The second's chakra simmered down and again became significantly calmer then before. Tobirama let out a sigh and turned away from the his two predecessors and looked towards the Nara who was still smoking.

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