6:Majestic Flame Jutsu

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"S-Sasuke Uchiha".

After 4 long years, the 3 original members of the once famous Team 7, had reunited. The reunion brought back all the flooding memories, from the day they were selected to be in team 7, to their first mission in the hidden mist, the chunin exam, up till the day Sasuke Uchiha went rogue and left the village. And during the war, Team 7 was reunited again and it felt as if it would stay this way. Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura, all side by side, but it wasn't the case, Team 7 was always bound to explode sooner or later.

And now they had met once again, this time, they had all grew. And everything else felt like it just faded away, in that moment only Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura remained. Sakura's eyes were fixed on the face of the love of her life, her eyes brimming with tears. No matter how much resolve she had to kill him, it was always lesser then the love she had in her heart for him.

"S-Sasuke-kun" Sakura's kunai escapes her hand as it falls on the ground, her tears falling down her face like rain. Naruto was feeling the same way, no matter how deep he fell, he was always going to be his best friend and even if Sasuke broke that bond, in Naruto's heart he would always be his true rival and his first friend in life.
Sasuke sat on top of his dark horse, dressed in a white and Blue Kimono, his red sharingan active, inspecting the faces of all his former friends, but his roaming gaze stops when it comes into contact with the Hyuga's pale skin.

The moment Hinata looks into Sasuke's hooded eyes staring right at her, she felt fear creeping in her eyes, intimidated by his powerful gaze as if it was commanding her to his will. She takes a step back unknowingly because of his intense gaze upon her.

"What the hell are you doing here you bastard" Naruto spits out in anger as he steps in front of Sakura after he notices her crying. Sasuke's gaze calmly turns over from Hinata to the man he fought his biggest fight with.

"I don't have to explain anything to you all...................Like I said before, I am here for her" Sasuke speaks with authority as he raises his finger and points it towards the Hyuga Princess. Naruto and Sakura's gaze follows where Sasuke is pointing and they are left equally as shocked when they realize he was pointing to Hinata.

"M-me" Hinata squeaks out in fear when she hears his statement. Her tiny voice gets stuck in her throat at just the sight of the cold-blooded Uchiha pointing towards her. She was wondering why he wanted her, she was sure that he didn't even know she existed. In all the time they spent in the academy, the two never interacted once or ever.

"Hinata? What does she have to do with this" Naruto asks as he turns back to Sasuke. Sasuke slowly let's out a sigh and closes his eyes as he slowly gets off his horse and stands on his two feet. Sasuke walks a few steps ahead and then opens his eyes looking straight at Naruto.

"I am not here to talk. Hand the Hyuga over to me willingly, I am not in the mood to spill any blood in the Sand tonight" Sasuke's tone didn't faze one bit, and anyone could tell that he wasn't bluffing. He meant every word he said, but Naruto wasn't going to just hand Hinata over without a fight.

"If you think we will just hand over a comrade to you then you're wrong. I'm not letting you put a single finger on her Sasuke" Naruto forms a fist as he tries to belabor his point. And for the first time in 4 years, Hinata feels like she was valued. Her eyes were shocked to hear Naruto so angered and hyper because of her. Sasuke was still holding back and just closed his eyes as he sighs a little after hearing Naruto's words.

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