22:A Day In The Life

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"Sasuke-kun, did you talk to them"?

The dark-haired pair walked through the midly busy streets of konoha. It was still fairly early therefore they didn't encounter much of the general populace. The two walked in a regal and dignified manner, not throwing themselves over each other and not completely distant from each other. They walked in a way where their shoulders slowly brushed against one another, and the image that came out was exactly the one they wanted to portray.

"Yes" Sasuke replied in a low but heavy voice as he heard Hinata's question. He had already discussed his plan of action with the woman next to him the next before. If something this large was going to take place, then he needed her to be aware of the situation. And like he expected, Hinata had also agreed. She was never a fan of violence, even against enemies, so the idea of a peaceful election to decide the village's fate was more then welcomed.

"And how did they take it?" she asked, curiously glancing at the stoic man next to her. His eyes placed forward, his posture was straight and confident.

"They'll accept my offer. They know what's at stake if they don't. If Shikamaru agrees, then I am sure he will be able to convince the others" The raven haired man said. His deductions were always correct and he was hoping it won't any different this time.

"I hope so........I really don't want another war to start......especially now that I am so happy with my life" she says leaning a little closer to the Uchiha. Sasuke feels the warmth next to him, and he engulfs her hand with his own.

"Me too, Hime. But......a confrontation is inevitable" He said in a monotonous voice.

"Yes, I am aware. Although I am a bit sad to know that the wedding will be delayed" She had been anxiously anticipating the day she would be wed to the Uchiha heir, the Maids around the Hyuga compound had told her that the preparations were already underway, and it was going splendid. But Hinata also knew that with all the tension brewing around them, it would most likely not go as smoothly as she wanted it to.

"Speaking of. There is something I forgot" suddenly Sasuke stops in his tracks and steps right in front of Hinata, who stares at her with a confused look on her face. But all of her confusion disappears the moment Sasuke puts his hand inside a pocket on the inner side of his kimono and takes out a velvety black box. A smile forms on Hinata's face as a blush becomes visible.

The Uchiha opens the box and inside Hinata sees possibly the most beautiful ring in the world. A small gold ring with while diamonds on top and small rubies on the bottom, all arranged to form a small Uchiha fan. Sasuke takes out the ring, and puts the box back in his pocket. He looks up at his future wife and he finds himself increasingly pleased to see the tears in her eyes, and for one he knows that these aren't the tears of sadness, but those of happiness.

Sasuke extends his hand forward and immediately Hinata accepts gladly. Sasuke gently, without saying anything, takes the ring and puts it on her ring finger. Once done, he looks up to find her looking at him with the most genuine and precious smile she had ever shown him.

"Hinata. Thank you for being here. For being with me. And I'm honored to have you as my wife, and as the Uchiha matriarch who will lead with Uchiha clan with me" Hinata closed her eyes as her tears fell, again replaying the words that he spoke to her, again reminding herself that this wasn't a dream, that this was very much a reality.

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