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"I said, Lord Uchiha has invited you to his manor for dinner tonight. So please, calm down and let me dress you".

Hinata was in for a massive shock when Kagura told her about the peculiar invitation from the Uchiha. She didn't think she would be going to his house until the wedding. He had specifically said that, she would be living in the Hyuga household until they get married. She didn't expect something like this. Hinata was panicking and sweating, as she strolled around her room.

"N-No no no, Kagura-san, I-I can't g-go" she pleaded to the red-head who was calmly observing the princess's panicked state. But no matter how much she was pleading, she had to go, it was his orders, and it couldn't be denied.

"Lady Hinata, you don't have a choice here. He didn't ask you, he ordered you. And besides, since this is the first time you will be eating with him alone, it's the perfect chance to get to know him better. Break these boundaries, know something about him before you are married to him" Kagura was convincing her in a very gentle and polite way, and she was sure that someone as naive as Hinata would fall for it. And fall for it she did, Hinata quietly pondered on her words for a little bit. Wondering, that maybe it might be a good chance to understand him a little better. She slowly looks up at her and nods a little, accepting his orders.

"Good. Then let's get you dressed up" Kagura says as her face lights up with happiness. She claps twice and suddenly the room door opens and in come, more then 4 women, with clothes and other cosmetics in their hands. Hinata was overwhelmed as her eyes grew wide upon seeing the ladies come inside.
All of them were ordered to serve her, she was still finding it weird that she was being treated like such royalty. Sitting down slowly, she nodded her head giving permission to the women to do their jobs and they immediately got to work.

As time went on, they put on make up, fixed her hair, got her dressed up, changing her clothing style completely. And finally, after an hour and half, they were done. As Hinata stood up, to look at herself in the mirror. She was surprised to see how different she looked. Even she thought to herself that she looked a little pretty.

(Hinata dressed up)

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(Hinata dressed up)

As Kagura laid her eyes upon the Hyuga princess, even her mouth was left a little bit open because of how beautiful she looked. Her entire aura was different at the moment, she was always in her light colored clothes, and seeing her in this dark attire was surprising and definitely an upgrade. Hinata noticed the way she was staring at her, a smile on her face.

"D-Do I look okay, Kagura-san" Hinata asks hesitating and nervously. She still felt like maybe the others didn't see her as someone pretty.

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