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"Who is it"?

Sasuke asked as he leaped off buildings after buildings, with Hinata next to him, her Byakugan working intently. She could clearly make out the familiar chakras that were heading their way. And the more she saw, the more disdain she felt. The two biggest causes of her suffering. The two men who made her life a living hell, by denying her love and safety, by neglecting her and making her feel lower then garbage.

Two men who were leaders to others, but scum to her. Two men for whom she once held nothing but love, although now that love was replaced with hatred and only hatred.

"Eight chakras signatures. Four of them are reanimated corpses, the first four Hokages. Along with them, Kakashi, and my sister. And lastly, Naruto Uzumaki and Hiashi..... The way their chakras are flaring, it's clear that they are looking for a fight" Her analysis irked Sasuke because a fight was definitely the last thing he wanted, especially in the vicinity of the village. But knowing the Uzumaki, it was unavoidable.

"Tch! Then we'll need to take this someplace away from the villagers. Raise your Chakra level and follow me" Sasuke instructed her and suddenly started leaping off into a different direction at breakneck speed.

"Hai" Hinata did as she was ordered and increased her chakra to the point that even normal villagers could feel the powerful aura of the Byakugan princess. Using her Byakugan, she immediately noticed that all of them had stopped in their tracks and were now pursing the two of them.

'So that was his plan. To lure them away from their path' a small smirk made it's way onto her face, as she saw the place they were heading for. But immediately then, she also felt multiple other signatures moving towards them.

"Sasuke-kun, Sakura and the others are also on our tail now. It would be a nuisance to deal with them all as well" She said with an icy tone, her irritation showing on her face. Whereas Sasuke's remained passive and cold.

"It's nothing to worry about. I am not looking to fight them. But if they get in the way, then they won't find any mercy from me. Not after how many chances I've already given them" The Uchiha was getting annoyed now. He wasn't the one to usually become irritated, but the appearance of these pests one after the other was getting the job done of pissing him off. Turning to his future wife, he saw her face and the look of utter determination and indifference on her face, noting the difference. The stuttering and weak hyuga that he had brought from the sand was now replaced by a strong and ruthless Uchiha woman.

"Don't let your guard down" He said to her as her eyes shifted towards him. She didn't smile like she usually did, nor did she show any emotions. In a robot like expression she just nodded. Sasuke could feel the rage radiating off her, she wanted to make them feel pain, that much he deduced easily. And that wasn't the most strategically good mindset going into a battle.

"Hime, don't let your anger get the best of you. Keep your emotions in control" Sasuke said once again, this time the anger was showing in her lavender dyed eyes.

"I won't let my rage take control. I can assure you of that, Sasuke. I'll use this rage to strike them down and make them feel what I felt all these years" for a moment even the Uchiha was surprised to see her like this. Perhaps he had underestimated her hatred? It was seething off her body, and radiating like a separate chakra. His Sharingan could make out her chakra shifting from it's normal blue color into a darker purplish hue.

'Is this a phenomenon of the Byakugan' it almost looked like her hatred was changing her chakra nature. Resembling a little to the way an Uchiha's chakra changed after activating a newer state of the Sharingan.

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