13:A Crazy Little Thing

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"I won't let you fall, Hinata".

Those words. The look in his dark red and purple orbs. The sincerity in his tone. His voice that was laced with emotions, that completely contrasted to how he was most of the times. The beautiful and entrancing smile on his perfect face. Needles to say, Sasuke Uchiha had just managed to shook Hinata's entire body, down to her very core in an instant.

Hinata was frozen as these words left his mouth. His strong arms slowly pick her up, as he brings her closer to him. He was handling her with such ease and care, it was like she was light as a feather. Hinata had forgotten all about the pain she was feeling in her body. Her entire nervous system had gone numb. She couldn't feel the blood that was slowly making its way out of her wounds.

And most of all, this feeling. This feeling she was feeling right now inside her. This warm and bubbly and bright feeling inside her. It was all too familiar. She was accustomed to this feeling. She had known this feeling for over 20 years now. The first time she saw the blonde knucklehead as a kid, this feeling had been inside her. And she only got this feeling when he was around, and only when he was around.

But now, for the first time ever. That blonde knucklehead wasn't the reason, that she was feeling this feeling. He was nowhere near her, or even in her senses and mind. Right now, she was in the embrace of a dark raven. In just a month, he had managed to awaken this dead feeling inside her. The man who she thought would be her reckoning, the man she thought would be the reason for her misery. That man, that raven, was the cause for the birth of this strange feeling inside her.

This strange feeling, that made the world glow up. That made even the worst moments, happy. The feeling that could turn a person's gray life into a blend of beautiful and vibrant colors. That feeling, that could give you strength even in times of extreme hardships. That could make you smile and laugh, without any reason. The feeling that hit you like a truck, without any warning. It didn't just come and go, it came when you least expected it. It was a feeling that gave you dangerous signals, but you would still like it.

This crazy little thing called......


"U-Uchiha-Sama" Hinata slowly mutters, her eyes dazed and drunk. Sasuke's smile slowly turns down to be a smirk as he becomes amused with the Hyuga's reaction. In actuality, even he didn't know what just happened. It was like his body moved on it's own. His body moved so fast, that his brain couldn't register his own actions. He couldn't bear to let her fall, not now, not ever.

"You are very strong..........much stronger then any kunoichi I have come across. And not because of physical strength...but because of how strong your spirit is" Sasuke's words with firm and genuine. Each word that he spoke, Hinata could feel the emotion and sincerity behind them. But his aura was so different, it was the opposite of when he was fighting her. Hinata didn't even realize the fact that they were standing against each other. Their bodies were up against each other.

"B-But.....w-why......why a-are you e-even bothering w-with me" Hinata slowly speaks as her gaze wanders off. She still doubted herself, Sasuke thought. She was still insecure and she still thought less of herself. Sasuke scoffs and puts his hand under her chin and lifts her face up to look her in the eyes.

"You are really annoying, Hyuga........do you really want to know why I bother myself with someone like you" Sasuke says as his smile fades away, and his serious aura returns. Hinata slowly looks down as tears form in her eyes. Suddenly she feels a small poke on her forehead. As she looks up, she sees Sasuke with a smirk on his lips.

"It's because I care about you, princess".

*Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump*

There it goes again. Just like again. The speeding of the heartbeat. The feeling of butterflies in your stomach. Face getting red, blush appearing across the cheeks. Eyes getting flustered because of the nervousness. That damn, annoying sensation in your heart. Like it was said before, this damn thing didn't give you any warning, it always hit you like a truck with full force.

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