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"I-I'm h-home".

Hinata's tears fell the moment she and Sasuke, stood before the door of the Hyuga household. It felt like a lifetime had passed since she was here, all the emotions, the feelings, and the pain. It was all too overwhelming, too much to bear. Sasuke stood quietly observing the bluenette as she weeped at the sight of her old home. Hinata slowly walked forward towards the entrance door, her fingers brushing against the wooden door, feeling the surface underneath her palm. And the one thing that caught her eyes the most was how clean it was, it didn't look like a place that had been abandoned for the last four years. It didn't have a speck of dust or any old residue on it. She leaned closer to the door, placing her forehead against the door, her tears falling on the wood. This home of hers, brought back all the pain as well, all the suffering, and the hurt.

"Enough. I don't have all day. Hurry up inside" Sasuke's authoritative voice ringed in Hinata's ears, snapping her out of her thoughts. She slowly leaned back and quietly stood still with her head lowered.

"I-I'm s-sorry" She apologizes in the utmost gentle manner. Sasuke's expression remains rigid, not changing the slightest bit. He grunts and moves forward, inches away from the door, he knocks a few times. He doesn't say anything, but Hinata slowly walks up behind him and stands behind his back with her head lowered. Sasuke liked this gesture of hers, it was like she was already accepting who owned her.
Suddenly, the door opens and the two are greeted by a young girl and a boy. The girl had bright red hair and was dressed in a light red kimono, she looked quite young. Whereas the boy had dark hair and wore glasses, and was dressed in traditional samurai clothes.

"Uchiha-Sama, you're back. Please, come inside" The girl says in a polite manner, while bowing a little at the sight of the Uchiha. The boy also bows in the same fashion as the girl. Sasuke doesn't acknowledge any action they do, and just walks inside. As he walks inside, the young pair notices another figure walking behind him in his shadow. They immediately recognize her and the girl's eyes light up in excitement.

"Oh my, you must be Lady Hinata, it is an honor to meet you M'lady" The girl says in a thrilled tone as she bows to Hinata as well. This surprised Hinata as her eyes were wide, she wasn't expecting anything of this sorts. But her behavior was getting on Sasuke's nerves.

"Quiet. You're not here to talk. Get to work. I need to talk with her alone" Sasuke cuts in with his voice laced with anger and venom. It is enough to make the girl gasp in fear as she immediately zips up her mouth. The boy slowly puts his hand on the girl's shoulder, making her turn her head back towards him.

"Kagura, I think it would be best if we leave for awhile" The boy says to her in a cautious tone, the girl also nods and without saying much else the two immediately disappear from their eyes. Sasuke clicks his teeth in anger as he watches his two servents scurry away from his sight. He slowly glances back and he notices the Hyuga lost in her thoughts, her eyes wandering over her old home, going over everything, reminiscing and remembering. He knew that she must've suffered just as much here if not more, then she suffered in the hidden Sand. Her tears were threatening to fall, and she was trying her best to hold them.

"Hyuga" Sasuke's strict voice catches her by surprise, making her flinch a little. Her eyes go back in the direction of Sasuke and she notices him, looking directly at her.

"Y-Yes, U-Uchiha-Sama" She says in a soft and gentle voice, her tone filled with sadness and sorrow. Sasuke starts to walk towards the rooms.

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