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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Monday schools starts and I've had band practice and drivers ed and just haven't had time to write.

Also today I'm going to see the boys in Houston, TX!!! I can't believe it's happening. And then Harry and Louis' ice bucket challenge today!! OMFG!!!

Anyways if you would like to communicate with me I have a twitter an a snapchat and me and my friend share a Instagram. I would love to talk to you guys!!!:)

Twitter: crazymofojojo

Instagram: 1d_isbaes_fordays

Snapchat: ninisbae

I love you guys so much!! thanks for all of te reads and votes I could not be more happy with the feedback I've gotten from I'm only human and I really hope I get the same feedback from this story or hopefully more.

Again I'm sorry for not updating. I'll to do it as soon as I can. Maybe Sunday?? Fingers crossed

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