Chapter sixty eight

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S I X T Y  E I G H T

We jogged everywhere we could go, I'm already sweaty as heck. I looked like I just finished showering. Gosh, my towel isn't enough to absorb all of my sweats. Right now, we're here at the park sitting on a bench, gaining back our energy.

While I was glancing around I saw a vendor, I think he's selling a bottle of water. I'm so thirsty!

I poked Jungkook who's resting beside, he confusedly looked at me.

"Let's go buy some water." I said while pointing at the vendor.

"Stay here, I'm gonna buy it." He demanded, before I could resist he already made his way towards the vendor.

I watched him doing whatever he's doing, he suddenly glanced on my direction. It made my heart stopped for a moment, what the heck was that? I mean, what's happening? He only glanced yet it made such a impact on me, goodness gracious, this can't be...

These heart beats, were they all indicating me something? But...

"Here." He handed me s bottle of water that I gladly accepted.


This man, how can I control these feelings? I looked down so that my hair would block my face. I smiled bitterly then I sighed.

How long would it be to stop from falling any further?

Jungkook, whenever you're around I'm falling much further with you. This friendship is important for me, but these feelings will surely be the reason for our friendship to become devastated.

Avoiding him isn't the solution, I have to think for another solutions...

Restrain yourself whenever he's around, understood Y/n?

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