Chapter ninety four

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We laughed our shared stories, we also bombarded bangtan with different questions regarding their idol lives. Like, how is it being an idol? Having fans? Perform on stage? And many more. We also played various of games, of course the competitive maknae won most of the games, I didn't even get a chance to win. We also jammed to their songs, it's really fun to be with them.

"Wait." Hoseok shouted, his voice is louder in real life I was already expecting that. I'm still processing the fact that the whole BTS members are here infront of me partying with us. I hope this isn't a dream.

"What is it?" Yoongi asked. What he is on cam is also what he is in real life. I smirked, they're also crazy as they are on cam.

"Why don't we play truth or dare?" Hoseok suggested, Yoongi cringed and I can't help but to laugh. Yemin and Mihae also laughed along with Jin and Jimin.

"What's with the cliché for, Hoseok?" Yoongi scoffed making Hoseok to pout. Aww, so cute!

Namjoon suggested as well, "what if we make a twist? Let's make it Truth or Truth?"

Hoseok's face brightens up, "you're the best Namjoon-ah!" Hoseok exclaimed patting Namjoon's back.

They look so overwhelming to watch, to witness how their bond works and how they get along together despite their differences.

"Good idea, Joonie." Jin uttered that made Namjoon's smile wider his dimple became deeper.

Woah, he looks like an art along with six arts infront of us. I can't help but to fangirl internally, it's kinda hard to control it. My gaze landed on Jungkook who's also looking at me. I immediately glance away, my heart jumped when I met his eyes. He doesn't have any reaction when our eyes met. I wonder why?

Nevermind maybe it was just my illusion.

"Here, an empty bottle." Taehyung said with an empty water bottle in his hand. He placed it on the glass table and went back to his seat.

"Thank you, Taehyungie! So who will spin the bottle first?" Hoseok asked, excitement is clearly in his voice.

"Well, who's the youngest?" Jimin asked glancing to Jungkook, I guess he's expecting that Kook is the youngest out of us here.

"M-Me." Mihae raised her hand shyly, yeah that's right she's the youngest. She was born on November 20, 1997.

"Okay, so starting from Mihae the next will be Yemin-ssi and the rest will go on. Anyone get it?" Jimin ordered, everyone nodded then Yoongi will be the last.

Mihae spinned the bottle with the right strength, we waited for it to stop when it did, it was pointing to Kook.

Jungkook smiled anxiously, "S-So what's t-the q-question?" He stuttered, he's too obvious that he is really nervous.

Taehyung hummed teasingly making Jungkook to glare at him, I giggled quietly.

"So, Kookie, who is Y/n to you?" Seokjin questions, I blushed and looked down.

I can't see Jungkook's reaction out of curiosity I took a quick glance on him only to see him also blushing. What kind of question is that?! Of course I'm his friend, isn't it obvious?

His lips formed a thin line as he thinks of what to answer, "she's my bestfriend and my healer." He finally answered.

"What do you mean healer?" Sooji asked with her furrowed eyebrows.

Kook smiles, "she helped me overcome my depression, she healed me." He replied.

They all nodded as a smile slowly forms on my lips, I can't explain the happiness I feel right now. He's also a healer for me, we healed each other's wounds. We lit up our darkness, nothing can measure how grateful I am to him.

"Ohh..." Hoseok teased their maknae, I smiled and looked up.

"My turn!" Yemin exclaimed, she spins the bottle and this time it pointed on me. Is this just a coincidence?

I gulped and waited for them to shoot me whatever their question will be.

"Is there a chance for you and Jungkook to be-you know? A couple?" Mihae asks, I froze with my heart beat jumping repeatedly.

"C-Couple?" I bet my face is redder than a tomato.

"Yes, Y/n." Mihae cleared looking at me teasingly. I rolled my eyes at her and glared.

I sighed and looked at them, they're now staring at me waiting for my answer especially Jungkook. He looks attentive for some reason.

"Maybe." I shrugged unsure of my answer.

I don't even know if he likes me, but if he do there's 90% of chance. I do not suit his ideal type at all and of course he deserves better than me. The main thing is, he's an idol once again it'll be a risk if we become a couple especially that they have a large fanbase. I rather wait for him forever than risking his career.

Everyone teased us which I ignored, Jungkook smiles at me then I smiled back.

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