Chapter One

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Flashback 5 years ago
"Hey, I came to check on you," Mazikeen the demon torturer said as Seraphina lifted her head up.
"Why? To torture me some more?"
"Not today sweetness. Look, I hate torturing you, your like a friend. Lucifer wanted me to check up on you since he can't see you for himself,"
"Good to know he would have,"
"MAZIKEEN!" Lucifer shouted as she turned her head.
"I have to go, stay safe little devil," she said as that was the last time Seraphina ever saw Mazikeen.
Present day
Seraphina Morningstar blasted her music out as she sped down Los Angeles.
Seraphina Morningstar has finally arrived on Earth and the first thing she did was buy a brand new Camaro with a little persuasion of course. She did end up picking out a hot girl body with dark hair and brown eyes and a slim figure plus the lack of clothes she was wearing. Seraphina suddenly heard sirens behind her as she learned that they were called police sirens and that your supposed to pull over if you hear the sound.
Seraphina sighed as she pulled over to the side of the road and turned down the music while waiting for the officer to come out.
"Ma'am, do you know how fast you were going?" He asked appearing up beside her as she smirked.
"No, but I can go faster if you'd like," she responds eyeing the man up and down with a smirk on her face.
"Ma'am I'm going to have to ask you to step out of the vehicle,"
"And if I refuse?"
"Then I'd have no choice but to use force,"
"That sounds extremely hot Mr. Look, I'm looking for someone actually his name's Lucifer Morningstar, his baby sister is looking for him,"
"Ma'am step out of the vehicle now,"
"Fine," she says rolling her eyes as she got out.
She was suddenly pinned to the car as handcuffs were being placed on her.
"Oh, officer I didn't know you were this dirty," she says as she was being taken away.
"Shut up," he says throwing her in the back seat.
"Come on Officer can't you give a little girl a warning? I'm fairly new to Earth you see and-"
"I said shut up. You have a right to remain silent,"
"Mmmmh I like the sound of that. You want me to try and remain silent while you pound your way into me in handcuffs? Sounds very kinky I love it,"
"Hey whose this?" A woman with blonde hair brown eyes asked as the man was taking Seraphina away.
"She was going 180 on a 60 mile speed limit," the man says as a smile broke out on her face when she saw Lucifer coming out of a room with coffee in his hands.
"Detective I-"
"LUCI!" A voice shouted causing Lucifer aka the Devil himself to choke on his drink.
"Bloody hell," Lucifer says turning  to face his baby sister. "Seraphina, what on Earth are you doing here?"
"Now Luci is that any way to treat your little sister whome you love dearest? I haven't seen you in 5 years,"
"Well, I've been pretty busy here on Earth how did you manage to escape?"
"Well Luci, with you gone someone had to take control over hell. And I'm way over due of a vacation so tell me big brother, what's it like being here on Earth?"
"Big brother? Lucifer you never told me you had a little sister,"
"Yes she's quite the annoying one. Officer let her go,"
"But she was-"
"I said let her go," he said dangerous and dark as the man sighed before releasing the handcuffs.
"LUCI!" She screamed jumping on him, causing coffee to spill out everywhere as the two landed on the ground.
"Oh, my God Luci, your so handsome, I haven't seen you since the day father casted us out. You've grown up so much!"
"Sister I'm kinda in the middle of working. And what are you all bloody staring at? Look away and get back to work. Seriously sis why are you barley wearing any clothing?" Lucifer asks pulling off his jacket and wrapping it around Seraphina.
"Well it's the new things humans are into today is it not? I got several dirty looks when I was buying a car, and it's sweet that you care big brother. It's good to know you have that protective side of you,"
"Of course, I'm your big brother it's instincts,"
"Umm Lucifer yeah hello. It's nice to have family reunion and all, but we have a missing person to find,"
"Right well let me just take her home first Detective, get on with Detective Douche until I return," he says before taking Seraphina away, but not before seeing a handsome man staring straight at her with his mouth wide open.
A/N: Merry Christmas to all of Wattpad! Okay so I started watching Lucifer on Netflix and I'm totally obsessed with the hot British devil himself Lucifer! And couldn't help but make a fanfic, I hope you all will like it. It's not going to follow the show really it's more of a Lucifer is a big brother who has to protect his darling sister type. Big plans! Have a good Christmas!

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