Chapter Three

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About 20 minutes later Lucifer had went outside to notice that his sister wasn't where she was supposed to be and noticed that his jacket was laying on the floor.
"Bloody hell," Lucifer panicked picking it up as he went back inside and dialed Maze's number.
"Please bloody tell me that Seraphina is safe at home?"
"Nope, no one else here but me. Why lost her already?"
"Quite frankly yes because of you! I told you to watch her while I was at work now she's walking around half naked out in the streets! Thank you Maze so much for caring for my sister," he spat at her before hanging up the phone.
"What's going on?" Chloe asks coming up to Lucifer who was pacing back in forth with his hands in his hair.
"My sister had left the building no idea where she went. Geeze she's half naked and I just don't know what to do! GODDAMNIT MAZE!" Lucifer shouted punching a wall causing eyes to look over at him.
"Okay Lucifer you need to calm down. Don't cause a scene, we have a lead on the missing girl and she's what we have to focus on first,"
"She's your problem. My problem is finding out where my bloody little sister is. She's new to Earth and has no idea her way around the city!"
"Okay how about this you deal with your sister and I handle the case?"
"Perfect deal detective," Lucifer says before running out the place.
Seraphina Morningstar smirked while walking down the streets of Los Angeles, taking in everything in site. She could see why her brother had loved this place so much and not to mention the hungry stares she's been getting from both men and women alike.
Seraphina didn't understand why Luci would even want her to wear something like pants and a long shirt, frankly she liked the attention and was even feeling in the mood with just about anyone.
Seraphina was looking at a tall office building when someone bumped into her causing her to gasp as something was spilled on her drink.
"Oh my God I am so sorry ma'am I- Seraphina?" She heard the voice of Detective Douche say as she looked to see a spilled strawberry drink and a donut in his hands.
"Detective Douche, nice meeting you out here,"
"It's Dan actually or Espinoza,"
"Oh right my mistake. What are you doing right now?"
"Now? I'm uhh.... Enjoying my break before going back to work, what are you doing? Does Lucifer know your out here?"
"He doesn't have to know where I am Everytime Detective. And you know what? I'm in the mood of a little detective work myself," she says as her fingers run on the side of his face as Dan's heart picked up.
"Uhh.... Listen your Lucifer's sister and if I end up doing anything with you he will most likely kill me,"
"Luci doesn't have to know detective, I've been a bad girl and need to be punished," she says grabbing onto his tie and pulling him towards her. "Come on Detective, I love being tied up and restrained. It'll make you worth your wild,"
"I-uhh.... I- speak of the devil," Dan says as his device was ringing and Lucifer was calling.
"Yeah?" Dan asks answering the strange thing.
"Where are you I'm in a crisis! My sister is missing,"
"Umm..... I just bumped into her if that's what you want to know. She's fine,"
"Oh thank you Daniel, finally not a douche for once put her on the line,"
"Brother wants ya," he says handing Seraphina the strange device.
"Yes brother?"
"Well I was waiting outside then I ended up getting bored and decided to explore the city,"
"Sister you can't do that with half naked clothes on!"
"Still on about that? Luci, I don't see what the fuss is about. I honestly love the attention,"
"Oh sister there is still so much you need to learn. Have Daniel take you home and this time stay there you and I will have a long chat about Earth and what not to do,"
"Ughh fine," she told him before handing back the device to Daniel.
"Take my sister home please, thanks Daniel," Lucifer says before hanging up.
"Great, now I enjoy the last of my break taking you home,"
"It's okay Detective, I'll walk, I know where Lux is anyway,"
"No. It's rude if I don't, come on," he says grabbing her hand and leading her to the car.

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