Chapter Five

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"Stop the fighting please dont- oh," Lucifer says coming into the club to notice his sister had a glass pointed at Amenadiel.
"BIG BROTHER!" Seraphina shouted dropping the glass as she ran over to him and hugged him crying into his suite. "D-Dont let him take me brother please. I just wanted to see you again,"
"Sister, Amenadiel doesn't have powers to take you home anymore,"
"H-he doesn't?"
"No sister. Father took away his powers. Apparently Amenadiel was supposed pass a test and he ended up failing it causing him to lose his powers, and Amenadiel isn't the same man he once was right brother?"
"That's right Sera, I changed. And I am so, so sorry for putting you in hell the way I did. I didn't want to do it, but father was going to force me into going with you two if I rebelled against him,"
"S-so your not taking me back? Like if you still had wings you wouldn't take me back?"
"We're not in heaven anymore Sera, I couldn't take you back a second time even if I wanted to,"
Seraphina released Lucifer as she nodded her head.
"So, are we a threesome again then?"
"Ughh big brother really?"
"Why yes dear sister, I had to come up with that one. Oh and we got to talk about your run away problem. Not on my watch will you ever run again,"
"Right hey teach me about Earth. I got a sexy date with the Detective,"
"No, Daniel. He asked me out for tonight. It's cute,"
"Woah, detective douche huh? Where will this said date take place?"
"Not sure, but he's picking me up at 8 though,"
"I'm not sure if I like this ideal date sister, I won't allow it,"
"Since when do you tell me what I can and can't do?"
"Since I'm your big brother,"
"Yeah but it's my life so if I want to go out with Detective Dan, I will. Cant stop me brother,"
"Fine, but don't blame me if he breaks your stubby little heart like he did Chloe,"
"Chloe? He did mention an ex wife I didn't think it was her,"
"Well yes now you know. Come, Amenadiel and I will tell you all about Earth,"
"Wait, I never said I forgave Amenadiel for what he did, you might have but I haven't. I came to see you brother not him,"
"Sera I'm sorry. You think I wanted to do that to you? Father forced me we were so close as kids, I've changed Sera I really did. We can be that way again, you, me and Luci, were all here on Earth and we can all be together again,"
"I-I don't know Amenadiel, just give me time to think. Come brother let's go,"
Luci had showed and told Seraphina a lot about Earth and what it's capable of and how that there is bad and good people alike. Luci had also given her the device she was so confused about called a cell phone, he had taught her how to use it and what to do and even started playing a game called "candy crush" and not to mention he made himself number two speed dial since voice mail is number one and Amenadiel number three and Mazikeen number four. He gave her Chole's number in case anything went wrong and suprisingly Dan's number. By the time he was done however it was time for her date in about two hours as she had put on a long strapless red dress, and Maze happened to do what humans call make up as she had on red lipstick and light make up.
"Dan will go nuts for you," Maze said finishing up the art work. "Hell I'd kiss your ass myself,"
Seraphina giggled.
"Thanks Mazikeen. I appreciate it, who knew Earth could be so-"
"Yeah, it's a good thing I left hell when I did, should I send him a text? Luci gave me his number,"
"Yeah girl, go after your man,"
"Not my man it's just a date," she told her opening up her phone and was going to text him, but the sound of a door knocking interrupted them as Seraphina was walking towards it but Lucifer beat her to the punch hurriedly down the stairs and opened up the door as Daniel was standing there with red flowers in his hands.
"Ah Detective Douche, to what do I owe the pleasure?"
"I'm here to see Seraphina, we have a date tonight,"
"Ah yes, now let me set up a little bit of rules with MY sister, rule number one, no sleeping with Each other afterwards. Rule number two, have her back here before midnight, and rule number three break her heart in anyway and I will tear your limbs off and sent your ass straight to hell do I make myself clear?"
"Are you sure your her brother? It sounds like your her father instead,"
"I AM NOT THAT BASTARD OF A DAD! Look I'm just protective of her she's the youngest in our family and we're very close, I just want her home safely,"
"Daniel," Seraphina says smiling showing up at the door next to her brother.
Dan's breathe hitched in his throat as his voice suddenly gone dry, she was wearing a basic elegant red strapless dress, red lipstick and a little bit of eye shadow. She was truly breath taking in his eyes.
"Seraphina, umm.... You look amazing," he says causing her to giggle.
"Why thank you good sir,"
"Here, I bought these for you," he says handing her flowers as Seraphina's face lit up.
"Oh Daniel there beautiful, I hope my big brother didn't give you a hard time. Mhmm, they smell so good! Brother go put these in a vase will you?" She asks handing them to him as he rolled his eyes and walked away as Seraphina closed the door behind her.
"Shall we detective?"
"We shall," he says grinning taking her by the arm as the two left the premises.

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