Chapter Eighteen

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"Oh what a long day," Seraphina complained sitting on Daniel's lap as it was late in the evening and the two were still at the work place.
"Tell me about it not to mention finding the killer will be a bit hard on this one,"
"I'm ready to go home. What about you?"
"Nah, I have to stay a bit longer for any clues. You did great today babe go get some rest,"
"You sure you don't want me to stay?"
"I do, but it be selfish of me. Your clearly tired and my baby girl needs rest," he says causing her to giggle.
"Well before I go, I wanna give you a little something," she says turning to face him as she began to straddle his lap causing him to let out a low moan.
Seraphina smiled as she grabbed the sides of his cheeks and began to nibble on his ear.
"You sure you don't want me to stay?" She whispered moving faster as both of them moaned.
"S-Sera w-were at work w-we can't,"
"Can't what Daniel? What am I doing?" Sera asked playfully as she kissed his neck, cheek, and lastly on the lips.
"Oh you are too good my little demon girlfriend," Daniel says pulling away as he moved everything off of the desk and slammed Seraphina on it.
She gasped as she giggled when he began tearing off her clothes.
"Mhmm Daniel your so naughty," she giggled as Daniel kissed her neck.
"Show me those wings my demon princess," he demanded in a husky voice as Sera smiled as her black wings appeared from her back along with her horns. "Beautiful," he muttered as she wrapped her wings around him.
"Goodnight Daniel," Sera says kissing his lips one more time before leaving the LAPD.
Seraphina hummed a tune while walking down the streets of Los Angeles. It was a quiet night as she began fixing her hair with her hands. Once finished she pulled out her phone to see several missed calls from Lucifer and a text reading where are you?. She swears he could be way over protective of her sometimes. Seraphina stopped in her tracks as she saw someone standing at a distance with the corner of her eye.
"Oh great," she mumbled as she began walking faster trying her best to ignore her stalker. She heard the footsteps behind her go faster at her pace and she began to run, but not before looking back and seeing nobody there. She turned around again and screamed when she saw a woman with black hair, big glasses, black wings, and pale skin come along. She was laughing at her little sister who was still down on the ground.
"Azrael? BIG SISTER!" Seraphina shouted getting up to hug her as she smiled and laughed as the two embraced each other.
"Oh my dad what are you doing here? I can't believe it's you Luci and I haven't seen you since we got kicked out,"
"I know. I'm sorry I've never visited it's just I've been busy with my work and all. I am the angel of death ya know, and as for what am I doing here I was visiting a friend, I stopped by Luci's place and he's really worried about you so I'd told him I'd come find you,"
"Luci's just over protective that's all. I was with my boyfriend,"
"Boyfriend? My little sister has a boyfriend? Tell me who is he? I'll bring his soul to hell myself if he hurts you,"
"Azrael, not you too. Daniel is a great man he's a detective, he's very kind and sweet. Treats me right,"
"Did you show him your true self?"
"I did, he accepted me for who I am,"
"Good than he's perfect for you, but if he does hurt you though he's going to know who I am, now come on let's take you back to Lux. I'm kinda behind on schedule ya know,"
"I was walking back,"
"It's too dangerous. You saw how scared you were when I was following you,"
"Ughh fine. Let's fly," Seraphina says holding out her wings as the two took off into the night.
When they reached Lux Seraphina was instantly greeted by a hug from Lucifer.
"Oh thank dad, do you know how worried I've been?"
"Luci no need to worry I was with Daniel helping him on the case,"
"You were doing a bit more than helping sister I can clearly smell his DNA all over you,"
"Shut up,"
"Alright you two I'm heading out. I'll come by and visit again someday,"
"Wait, dont you wanna stay and see mum?"
"Can't people die too much. Tell her I said hi though," she said before leaving the building.

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