Chapter Twelve

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Seraphina and Daniel were watching the third Alien movie together with Chinese food take out. They've been watching the movie all day and Seraphina was getting more fascinated by it by the second and Dan couldn't help but chuckle.
"No, No behind you Ahhh!" Sera screamed turning to Dan's shoulder as she didn't want to see the gross scene in front of her.
"No worries little Sera, I'm here to protect you from the big bad Aliens,"
"Shut up Dan it just freaked me out that's all I can handle Aliens,"
"Still doesn't mean I can't protect you,"
"DADDY!" A little voice screamed out as Sera paused the movie as a little girl came in and jumped on the bed.
Seraphina grunted when her elbow hit her abdomen causing Dan to panic.
"Trixie honey Seraphina is hurt sweetie. You gotta be careful. You okay?"
"Yeah, this is Trixie?"
"Yeah my daughter,"
"Are you with Daddy? I don't really like you, mommy's told me bad things about you taking daddy away,"
"Oh, first time a kid doesn't like me. Umm.... I'm with your dad sweetie but I'm not taking him away from you,"
"Daddy was supposed to take me to school and pick me up for the past two days but he's been here with you and forgot about me!"
"Sweetie I didn't forget about you. Sera got shot twice baby and daddy just has to make sure she's okay and not dying. Sera is an important person to daddy,"
"More important than mommy?"
"Dan, I need to talk to Seraphina Morningstar alone," Chloe Decker says entering the room.
"So, you talk bad about me do ya Decker?" Seraphina asked crossing her arms.
"Your daughter said and I quote "Mommy's told me bad things about you taking daddy away" like who tells there child that?"
"Look, I just don't like you with my ex husband that's all,"
"And I don't like you with my big brother so what's the difference?"
"I didn't come to fight. I came for questioning on the shooting case,"
"What's there to talk about? I got shot and suprisingly bleed woopdie do,"
"Did you get a good look at the shooter at all?"
"No all they said was Lucifer is mine and the next thing I knew I was down,"
"Did you recognize the voice? Male or female?"
"Sounded female but I'm not sure. I was to busy wondering why I had started to bleed after being shot,"
"Okay that will be all. Thank you hope you recover well Seraphina," she says before turning and walking away.
Once she was gone Dan stepped back inside.
"Hey listen umm.... I have to go take Trixie out for a little bit of a father daughter time if you don't mind that is,"
"Oh, I don't mind at all you go ahead and have fun Dan,"
"Hey, try not getting shot again," he says kissing her lips gently before pulling away.
Seraphina chuckled.
"Dan, a goodbye kiss has to be more than that," she says before pulling him  back towards her as her lips crashed on his in a much heated kiss.
"OH MY DAD THIS IS A HORRIBLE SIGHT!" Seraphina heard Lucifer shout as she pulled away from the heated make out they were having.
Seraphina turned to Lucifer who had his hands cover his eyes with a bag of food in one hand.
"Ughh Lucifer what are you doing here?"
"I gotta go. Bye," Dan says kissing her one more time before leaving.
"I came bearing gifts but it would seem Douche had his tongue down your throat,"
"Yeah I thought you were mad at me,"
He sighed sitting down next to her while placing the food down.
"Look, I said some mean things and I want to apologize for it. I should just accept that even though dad manipulated both of you, Dan does make you happy and I want to respect that. I guess I just.... I was afraid to see my baby sister getting hurt by this man,"
"Luci, I'm very capable of handling myself and if Dan shall ever hurt me I'll roast him and toss him in the Chambers of hell where mother lies,"
"Umm..... Speaking of mother, there is something you should know,"
"What? What's going on?"
"I didn't want to tell you this because I knew it freak you out well here it goes," he says and just on que a blonde woman entered in the room.
"Sera," the woman breathed as Seraphina's eyes widened.
"M-Mom?" She asked shocked as the two just stared at each other.

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