Chapter Eleven

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"Mhmmm," Seraphina hummed as her fingers twitched and her eyes opened to a bright white light and a figure above her. "Dad?"
"Not quite sister," she heard Lucifer say as she turned her head to see him in a chair.
"Yes, how are you feeling dear? You gave me quite the scare when Daniel called me and told me what happened,"
"DANIEL! How is he? Is he hurt? Is he okay?" She asked panicking as she couldn't see him in the room.
"Douche is fine Seraphina, he hasn't left your side since the incident and is even taking off work until you feel better. He's highly trying to prove himself to you,"
"Sera," Seraphina heard Daniel say as she turned to see him with two cups of coffee in hand.
She lightly smiled at him.
"Hey Dan, are you okay? Ah," she says trying to sit up but a soaring pain hit her in the abdomen.
Dan quickly handed Lucifer the coffee as he layed her back down.
"Don't try to sit up, your not healed. I'm sorry Sera, this is all my fault,"
She shook her head.
"Don't blame yourself Daniel, I rather have it be me than seeing you on this hospital bed. I wouldn't forgive myself,"
"Sera," he said with a guilty look in his eyes as he stroked her cheek. "I promise you that I will find whoever did this and put an end to them," he told her placing his forehead on hers as there lips brushed together.
"Ughh if I watch anymore of this than I'm going to puke my guts out," Lucifer says as Seraphina rolled her eyes and pulled away from Daniel. "Douche, I need a moment with my sister alone please,"
"Alright. I'll be right back, promise," he said kissing her lips once more before leaving the room.
"What is it brother?"
"Look, this is going to come to a shock and don't worry I was shocked and upset as well when I figured out why dad put Chloe in my path, but Seraphina your feelings for Daniel aren't real,"
"What do you mean not real?"
"Sister you only just came to earth, you should still be immortal like me but since you met Daniel and had a fling with him, and end up dating him he's vulnerable to you. Meaning if he's near or around you, you end up getting hurt or worse dead. Dad manipulated your feelings for him like he did me to Chloe,"
"I don't care,"
"Look, I get what your saying Luci, but Daniel means so much to me that I don't even care if he did manipulate my feelings for him, I know what I want and that's Daniel Espinoza,"
"B- but he could get you killed! Don't be blinded by this attraction sister it's not even real,"
"I don't care! He's real to me,"
Lucifer chuckled as he shook his head.
"Fine but if Daniel gets you killed there's a special place in hell for you to see him over and over again!" He shouted before getting up and slamming the door close.
"Hey," Daniel says knocking on the door before answering.
"What's got Lucifer all worked up? He shoved me pretty hard,"
"I'm sorry. We had an argument and he's just mad,"
"Wanna talk about it?"
"You wouldn't understand, your only human Daniel,"
"Right, hey still want that Alien date? I brought all 6 movies with me,"
"Dan, I don't want to keep you from working. I don't want you losing your job,"
"They know I'm here with you. It's okay,"
"SERA!" Seraphina heard Amenadiel yell as he busted in the room.
"God Sera are you okay? What happened? I couldn't understand Lucifer's emoji texting except the hospital one and the gun," Amenadiel panicked. "Then I came to a conclusion someone was in the hospital and I asked around and it was you,"
"Amenadiel, I'm okay really I am. Someone shot me twice, doctor's say I'm lucky enough to be alive,"
"You outta be. Sera, you just got to Earth how is your immortality gone already?"
"Ummm.... Dan can I talk to my brother alone please?"
"Yeah sure. I'll be right outside," he says pecking her lips before leaving.
"Luci said that dad manipulated me and Dan's feelings to each other, I told him that I didn't care and that Dan met so much to me, he got mad and stormed out,"
"So, in other news like Chloe can get Lucifer killed, Dan can get you killed too?"
"Alright, well I'll talk to Lucifer and you worry about recovering okay? Don't get killed please Sera,"
"No promises," she smirked as he shook his head and left the room.

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