Chapter Four

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"So, Mr. Espinoza are you single?" Seraphina asked as they were stopped at a stop light.
Dan had a smile on his face as he chuckled and looked at her.
"Suprisingly yes I am. I went through a divorce with my ex wife,"
"Hmph, it's her loss really. But really Daniel, despite me trying to get you in your pants, I do like you. I want to see more of you,"
"Well the good news is that at least your not crazy like your brother,"
"Well it's just he keeps saying how he's the Devil, Devil this and Devil that. And he works this weird thing to get people to tell him about desires,"
"Oh, one of my brothers many tricks that he has. And yes, he is indeed the Devil not some delusional man,"
"Oh, so in other words you believe him?"
"Where do you think I come from Daniel? I only just got here to earth. Fairly new, I'm a fallen angel. I followed my brother into the pits of hell,"
"Wow, so the whole family is crazy then, but I like crazy though and I mean I know your Lucifer and Amenadiel's sister but-"
"Wait, Amenadiel is here?" Seraphina asked causing Dan to look at her as fear struck her beautiful features.
"Well yeah, I met him a few times he's a good guy. I take it you two don't get along?"
Seraphina shook her head out of fear as they drove up to the club. Seraphina didn't understand what was going on as her breath became short sided. If Amenadiel was here then he's going to take her back to hell, even though she had just arrived at Earth. After all it was him who threw her down there in the first place.  Dan seemed to notice and turned off his car as Seraphina suddenly forgot to breathe.
"Hey, hey Seraphina look at me, everything is okay. Breathe,"
"I-I don't know how! What's happening to me?!" She shouted as her air was becoming tight and short.
"Your having a panic attack, Seraphina I need you to breathe in through your nose and out your mouth like this," he says taking a deep breath and exhaling it out.
Soon enough Seraphina found herself doing the same thing as her breathing was slowly returning to normal until she knew how to breathe the Earth's atmosphere again.
"Oh thank you Daniel, you saved my life," she told him unbuckling her seatbelt and pulled him into a hug.
Daniel was shocked at first, but was slowly but surely starting to hug her back. She pulled back moments later and gave him a quick peck on the lips before heading out.
"Sorry about that Daniel, I just..... I don't know what came over me. Amenadiel is the eldest of us all, and he did something that made me fear him for the rest of his life. If he finds me he will do it again, it's hard to explain.... I just... Nevermind. Goodbye Daniel,"
"Wait, Seraphina I might not understand your family drama but can I take you out tonight though for dinner? You haven't scared me away and I would like to know more about you,"
"Yes Detective Daniel, I would like that very much,"
"Great, I'll see you tonight at 8 then?"
"I'll most likely be here. I don't think running off is another option," she told him causing him to chuckle as he started his engine.
"Behave yourself," he says pulling out as Seraphina only watched him leave.
When Dan arrived where Chloe and Lucifer was he noticed they were both holding a shivering girl in there hands as Chloe handed her to a police officer and the kidnappers we're shaking with fear tied up.
"Hey sorry I'm late,"
"Extreamly late where the hell have you been?"
"I was on break and I ran into his sister, then Lucifer told me to take her home,"
"How is she by the way?"
"She's doing good, although when I mentioned her brother Amenadiel, she started freaking out and had a panic attack,"
"Oh no," Lucifer suddenly says concerned washed over his body.
"What's wrong?"
"She doesn't know Amenadiel no longer has his powers, she's afraid he's going to take her back to Hell and he's at lux now as we speak. Good case Detective but I have to go before they kill each other,"  Lucifer told them before hurrying leaving the two detectives stunned out of there mind.
When Seraphina entered inside lux she immediately poured herself a drink as she couldn't believe her older brother was actually here. She remembers how close the three of them were as children, but things changed when growing up, the rebellion against the two and him physically throwing her down to hell along with their mother, but throughout the bad the good news is she has what humans call a Date with a one Mr. Daniel Espinoza, and she could say she was genuinely excited to see him again. She's never felt anything for a human before and it both frightens and excites her. She couldn't wait until Luci came home and tell her everything and what to possibly wear at the date. As she was thinking and sipping on her drink she didn't notice the elevator ding as Amenadiel came out of it.
"Luci, Luci you home? What was so urgent that I had to cancel my date tonight?"
"Amenadiel," Seraphina breathe dropping her glass as it shattered by her feet on the ground.
"I'm sorry do I- do I know you?" He asks taking a step closer as Seraphina was alarmed and grabbed a glass as a weapon.
"To hell? Who are you? Speak now demon!"
"How dare you call me demon brother! I'm surprised you don't recognize me it's been forever since you casted me out of Heaven. I just got to Earth and I refuse to go back,"
"Seraphina?" He asks finally putting the puzzle pieces together.

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