Chapter Twenty

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"Daddy how long are you going to be with that woman?" Trixie asked as Dan was driving her to school.
Daniel chuckled as he kept his eyes on the road.
"As long as she wants to be with me. I know you don't like her right now sweetie, but spend the day with her. Get to know her, then you'll see why daddy's in love with her,"
"Will Lucifer let me? He always talks about her. I know he's very protective over her,"
"Of course munchkin, and Lucifer's protective of her because there siblings, they look out for one another And not to mention Seraphina is the last born it's a big brother thing,"
"Wow, I wish I knew what it's like to have a sibling. If I did have one I'd protect them with all my might just like Lucifer with Ser,"
"Yeah, I don't know how exactly to pronounce her name. It's hard,"
Dan chuckled as they pulled up into the school.
"There ya go honey, have a good day be okay?"
"Okay, daddy can you pick me up? I do wanna know Ser more, maybe she'll give me a half sibling!"
"Goodbye munchkin, see ya later love ya," Dan said before driving off back to his apartment.
When he got home he smiled as he smelled breakfast being made in the kitchen, he smelt bacon, eggs, and some good old toast.
"Honey I'm home," Dan called while chuckling.
"Oh Daniel hello," Seraphina says coming out of the kitchen in full for as Dan did a little gasp.
"Oh sorry, it's just I was cooking and two hands doesn't make things faster hold on," Seraphina replied as she returned to normal no more horns or tail or wings on her.
"How does being in full form help you cook faster?"
"Speed, now come on and sit down," Seraphina says grabbing Dan's arm and pulling him into the kitchen as he sat down. "Now if there's one thing about Luci and I that's different is that I am extremely the better cook of the family, I guess that's the perk of being the youngest,"
"This looks delicious babe almost like we're a married couple,"
Seraphina giggled as Dan took a bite of the eggs.
"Mhmm, cooked with perfection this is great,"
"Glad you love it Daniel. There's more where that came from,"
"Hey I've been meaning to ask, now that your not ruling hell, who is?"
"I am, see another difference between me and Lucifer is that even though I'm here, I can go to hell in my sleep and make sure everything's in order I don't have to die in order to go to hell like he does,"
"Well I guess that's pretty cool, any chance I maybe going to hell?"
Seraphina giggled.
"No silly you've been good, sure you've done some wrong things but nothing that won't get you out of the silver City,"
"So, basically what your saying is after I die I'll never see you again?" He asked taking a bite of food.
"I guess so Daniel, our time is only on Earth,"
"Well I believe we should spend every day together like it's our last, who knows when that is,"
"Only dad knows," Sera said with a sigh just as Dan finished his food.
"Here let me take that,"
"No babe, you've already done a wonderful job of cooking for me the least I could do is do the kitchen,"
"Aww Daniel your so sweet, how did I ever get lucky with someone like you? I'll be in the shower care to join when finished," she said with a giggle while giving him a light kiss before walking away.
Dan sighed as happiness washed all over his body. He couldn't remember the last time he'd ever felt happiness, sure there was Chloe when the two were together but Chloe has never made him feel so pure, so open, so normal. Dan began to hurry up when he heard the shower running, he was definitely going to get him some good old pleasure today. A loud scream followed by a thud made him drop the plate he was washing as he quickly went into his bathroom where he saw Seraphina laying on the ground with a towel wrapped around her and her eyes were open, almost looked pitch black like she was in another world.
"Lucifer he'll know what to do," Dan said getting his phone out and calling him as panic was consuming him.

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