Chapter Sixteen

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"Luci wait!" Seraphina says stopping him in his tracks.
"What is it baby sister?"
"What do you mean send mom back to hell? We can't, she just got here,"
"Precisely and Dad wants her back where she belongs,"
"So your going to do what daddy tells you now?"
"No! A while back I made a deal with him that I haven't exactly upholded my end yet he's getting antsy about it,"
"Why would you make a deal with someone like dad?"
"Let's just say I was dying and I had to save a certain detective,"
"Ughhh it's always about her. Detective this, detective that just marry her already Luci!"
"I can say the same about you and detective douche now can I?"
"Stop calling him douche he's nowhere near one. His name's Dan,"
"Would you two stop arguing? Y'all fight like some married couple," Amenadiel says coming down the stairs.
"Hello big brother we were just having a little disagreement that's all. We need to find a way to send mom back to hell,"
"Amenadiel tell Luci that mom doesn't exactly need to go back. This is the first time that the four of us is actually here in one place and I would like to reconnect with mum,"
"Well, Sera is right Luci why not just sentence her here on Earth? It's sorta the same thing as being imprisoned in hell,"
"Okay okay fine both of you are right. I don't really want mum leaving either so much to teach her about Earth it's unreal,"
"So, where is she?"
"That is a good question, while we figure that out Seraphina you clean this place up, now,"
Dan sighed as he was at the bar drinking but he also had a goofy looking smile on his face as well. He couldn't deny that he wasn't in love with Seraphina, she meant the world to him and he's not even sure how it all started but he knows that he's glad she entered his life.
"Suprised to see your not with my daughter," Daniel heard the voice of Charlotte Richards say from beside him.
"Yeah, Lucifer needed her to clean up the place and talk with her afterwords so he kinda took her from me,"
"I see. I also see that you know of us as well?"
"How did you-"
"I'm the mother of all creations Daniel and I know my own daughter as well,"
"I just.... I can't believe the whole things real ya know? Heaven, Hell. Lucifer being the devil, Sera being a demon, and you..... Your literally the mother of all creations this is just.... So much to handle,"
"Yet you accept Seraphina for who she is,"
"Yes, I do,"
"I love her Charlotte. And despite who she is and where she's from it makes her even more interesting than she already is. Sera is kind, sweet, adorable and an amazing person. I wouldn't trade her for the world and I promise to always protect and love her no matter the cost,"
"Your a good man Daniel. I appreciate you making my daughter happy but just know if you ever hurt her in anyway again I will end you," Charlotte threaten while walking away.
Seraphina sighed as she finally finished cleaning up the place. Luci and Amenadiel most likely went to bed and she flopped onto the couch.
"Finally finished," she told herself pulling out her phone to see text messages from Dan.
She smiled like a little school girl as she began texting him back completely oblivious to the elevator opening.
"Sera honey what are you doing awake?" She heard her mom ask as the sound of heels approached her.
"Mom? Where ya been?"
"I was out with a certain detective,"
"No not that one,"
"Daniel? Why were you out with my boyfriend?" Seraphina asks standing up.
"Chill out I was seeing if he was really good for you or not. And honey he's perfect,"
"H-he is?"
"Honey the way he talks about you proves that he loves you a lot. Even accepting you for who you really are. Daniel is a good man and I know he'll treat you like the queen that you are,"
"Oh mom, I'm so glad Luci's not bringing you back to hell, thank you," Seraphina says hugging her as she was shocked at first, but smiled as she hugged her daughter back.

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