Chapter Fourteen

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3 Days Later

Seraphina was out of the hospital and in with Lucifer at the club once again. Her injuries are practically healed since Daniel's been away from her and Seraphina had grown depressed since his departure. She was currently drowning a bottle of tequila as Lucifer came down the stairs to see his baby sister in sorrow.
"Seraphina really it's 8 in the morning what are you doing drinking?"
"Drowning in my sorrows. Dan hates me because of what I said, I've been thinking about going back to hell brother,"
"For one guy? Sister there's 7 billion guys out there in the world for you. No need to go back just because of him. I tried to warn you of the douche he was,"
"No it wasn't his fault it was mine. I snapped at him because he told me I was more human than anything, and I told him not to compare me to a worthless human and that I'm far more greater than he is and.... And.... Oh Luci!" Seraphina suddenly shouted putting her head down as tears came rushing out. "I'll never see him again. I truly loved him Luci a-and I screwed it up," Seraphina cried as Lucifer ran to her side and hugged her tight.
"I doubt you actually loved him sis but you had strong feelings for him don't give that douche any attention. If he tries to ask for you back just spit fire out at him, just please don't go mum and I just got you back,"
"Alright, alright I'll stay. Thank you Luci I love you,"
"Love you too baby sister. Now straighten yourself up we gotta case to solve,"
"No thanks Luci. I'm too down to be doing anything right now besides solving crime is your thing not mine,"
"B-but..... Oh alright fine. Will you stay here at least until I come back?"
"Sure although all the tequila might be gone,"
"Don't kill yourself sister. Humans have an alcohol limit for there bodies,"


When Lucifer got to the LAPD he walked past Chloe without saying a word as she opened her mouth to speak. She realizes his hands are balled into fists as he was marching into Dan's office. He busted open the door as Daniel was startled and dropped his pudding cup he was eating.
"Aww man Lucifer what the hell?"
"What the hell is right. I warned you Daniel about my little sister she's in sorrow and tears and drinking all my tequila because of you! Now what should I do first hmmm? Slap you around or send you straight to hell?"
"Look the whole thing wasn't my fault. I love Sera but she's becoming too much thinking she's just weird demon creature from hell. Even if she was she thinks we're worthless humans so what's the point if she's never going to love me?"
"Daniel I came here to send you to hell but but you and my sister seems to be in sorrow. Talk to her, get to know the real Seraphina Morningstar and you'll see for yourself she's not human if she shows you that is. Go to her, she's at the pent house now probably still drinking tequila,"
"Thanks Lucifer. I truly love your sister,"
"Whatever," Lucifer grumbled before leaving his office.


When Daniel Espinoza left work for Seraphina he noticed the pent house was full of cars, but he thought Lucifer doesn't host parties until night time? Music blared from the inside as he closed his car door and went inside. Daniel mouth opened wide at the many men who were inside the pent house as he walked around in search for his girlfriend. What bothers Daniel is how there was just men, not a morsle of woman anywhere. He found Seraphina drinking a bottle as men grinded and danced all over her.
"OKAY PARTIES OVER!" Daniel shouted showing his badge as men began scattering everywhere.
"DANIEL!" Seraphina shouted fumed. "You drove my men away,"
"What were you thinking? I'm gone for one minute and already you have men all over you?"
"It doesn't concern you. I haven't seen you in there days it hasn't been just one minute. What are you doing here anyways? I thought you hated me? Didn't love me?"
"I never hated or dont not love you. Your just too much Sera until I get proof of this whole demon thing from hell you talk about I just assume your a bit loony,"
"I'm the loony one? You want proof? Here! Here it is!" She shouted as her wings flew out from her back as Daniel's eyes went wide in disbelief.

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