Chapter Twenty Two

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The doorbell rang and Dan was even more nervous now. He had called Chloe telling her it was urgent, but lying wasn't the problem it was keeping her from what was inside the bathroom. Linda Martin arrived about 5 minutes ago and Lucifer was quick to tell her everything that's going on with Seraphina and she agreed to help she's in the bathroom with him right now with a knife held up to his heart ready to plunge through when the signal was ready. The doorbell rang again and this time Dan answered it to reveal Chloe's face.
"Alright Dan I'm here what's the big emergency?"
"It's Trixie," Dan began as back in the bathroom Lucifer nodded his head as Dr. Martin plunged the knife deep into Lucifer's heart.
He grunted but not loud enough for Chloe to hear as his eyes slowly closed. When he opened them again he took a deep breath as he looked at the dark, cold place known as Hell with screams from every room echoing around.
"SERAPHINA!" He yelled out as moans and groans were followed afterwords. "SERAPHINA!" He shouted again as he kept walking around until he spotted a black door that says 'do not open' causing Lucifer to raise his eyebrows.
"That's odd," Lucifer says going to the door anyways and pushing it open.
A bright light enveloped him as he shielded his eyes. When it died down he was even more confused as to why he was in Heaven as he saw Seraphina flying with her brothers and sisters and a smile on her face.
"Very good Seraphina I'm proud your learning so quickly,"
"Thanks Dad it's because of Sam and Amenadiel that I'm getting better there teaching me good,"
"You be careful of Samael now I feel like he's planning something very soon,"
"Alright dad whatever," Seraphina says rolling her eyes as she flew away.
Suddenly the scene changed as Heaven was now growing dark and Lucifer could see him and Seraphina being kicked out of Heaven. Lucifer was thrown out first as he could hear Seraphina screaming for him, before Amenadiel could take her out Lucifer ran over to them and pushed Amenadiel off of her.
"SERA! SERAPHINA LISTEN THIS ISNT REAL!" Lucifer screamed trying to wake her as he grabbed her.
"L-Luci? B-but you were just-"
"Sera someone put you in your own nightmare. It's okay, I'm okay I came to rescue you," Lucifer says carrying Seraphina back to the door he came in from.
But before he could get our though the door had shut on its own and Seraphina was forced to once again listen to Lucifer's screams as he fell from heaven.
"LUCI! DAD NO! BRING HIM BACK HE DOESN'T DESERVE THIS!" Seraphina historically screamed as she got out of Lucifer's grip.
"SERAPHINA NO!" Lucifer yelled as she flew over to her father.
"SILENCE!" He yelled back angry.
"Seraphina listen to me none of this is real. Your running out of time and we have to find another way out of here are you listening to me?"
"No! Your not real I just watched you get thrown out. Your in my head. Dad please I beg of you to reconsider Lucifer is-"
"I said Silence daughter or did I not make myself clear?"
"NO! WAIT PLEASE! DAD DONT DO THIS!" Seraphina shouted tears in her eyes as Amenadiel roughly grabbed onto her.
"LET GO OF HER!" Lucifer yelled pushing Amenadiel off of her as she looked at him in shock while he held onto her.
"W-What is this? Who are you really?"
"Your big brother this isn't the time to explain we have to find a way out of here," he says as Heaven began shaking and breaking apart.
Lucifer looked all around for any signs of the exit before the nightmare completely vanished and they were both going to be stuck in complete darkness forever.
"Seraphina quick think of something happy! Anything!"
Suddenly a door began to open from the opposite side of him and he began to fly towards it when a voice stopped him.
"Lucifer," he heard his dad say as darkness quickly consumed the sky. "Take good care of her," was the last thing his father said before being swallowed up by darkness as well.
Lucifer stood still for a moment as the whole world was growing dark. In all his life he never thought his dad would speak to him again.
"LUCIFER! IF YOUR REAL WE HAVE TO LEAVE NOW!" Seraphina shouted causing Lucifer to snap out of his own thoughts and quickly fly towards the door before darkness consumed them both.
They both flew to the other side of the door as they landed on the ground right when the door shut on its own and disappeared. Heavy pants was heard from both of them as they looked at each other.
"Let's go home," Lucifer says with a smile on his face.

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