Chapter Seven

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"SERAPHINA!" Lucifer's voice boomed as she drowned her drink.
"Hey big brother,"
"Don't hey me the whole point of a bloody cell phone is so that you can answer the damn thing! I told detective douche to bring you home at midnight not 8 the next morning,"
"Please big brother I have my big girl panties on, I'm very capable of protecting myself after all who's been ruling hell while your gone?"
He sighed.
"I'm sorry for always being over protective but I'm the big brother. It's my duty to look after you I can't bare the thought if anything happened to you,"
"Awww well aren't you sweet, but I'm perfectly fine brother,"
"How did your date with detective douche go anyways?"
"Oh it went wonderful, he's so kind, caring, and compassionate. I really loved getting to know him, there's nothing douche about him at all he's sweet and adorable. I definitely plan on seeing him again,"
"Hell what's next he's going to be my brother in law? I don't feel comfortable with you dating him,"
"We're not going out and marriage is far from my list. We're just.... Friends with benefits for now,"
"With benefits? Your saying he slept with you when I told him not to? I'LL KILL HIM!" Lucifer shouted eyes glowing red as Seraphina rolled her eyes.
"Brother, I told you it's my life and I was the one that convinced him not the other way around,"
"Okay fine your right, let me just get to work, stay here," he says leaving as Sera sighed.
When Lucifer got to work, he busted open the doors startling Chloe who was at her desk.
"What's wrong with you?"
"Where is Detective Douche? I've been wanting to talk to him,"
"Lucifer is this about your sister? Because we got more important matters to worry about,"
"Did you know he slept with my sister when I told him not to? I'm not okay with that detective,"
"Look you need to stop the family drama and come with me. There's been a murder,"
"Those are always exciting," Lucifer says while rolling his eyes.
Seraphina was blasting out music as she had a bottle of half drunken bourbon in her hand. She was dancing around Lux seeing as how she was the only one there at the moment. Seraphina loved her brother, but she hated his overprotectiveness of her. Back when they were Children, Seraphina along with Uriel was always picked on. She never understood why back then, perhaps it was because she was the youngest and smallest in the group, but whenever they would call her name's and make her cry Lucifer or Amenadiel would always be there for her and if they didn't want to play with her, the two would always find another game of there own. Seraphina stopped dancing when the Elevator dinged and in came Amenadiel as he rose his eyebrow up at her.
"Sera, what in the world are you doing?" He asked as she turned the music down and hopped off from the bar.
"H-Having fun big brother! Woah!" She slurred drinking more of the bourbon before Amenadiel took it from her.
"Sera, your drunk in the middle of the day?"
"H-hey you don't get to talk mister. Angel man. It's my life and I do what I want," she told him before stumbling into him.
"Woah, okay we need to sit you down," he says picking her up bridal style and laying her on the couch.
"Sera what's this about? Did the date not go well?"
"N-No, it went perfect! Perfect as ever until Luci got mad at me for coming home the next day. He's too overprotective of me, I can take care of myself,"
"Sera, your literally our baby sister, we'll always be over protective of you. We only want what's best for you and never want to see you hurt,"
"Y-You hurt me when you dragged me to hell. I just didn't want to leave Luci behind, and father forbidded us to see each other in hell, but you know what Amenadiel, despite everything Dan's right. We're family and I can't hold a grudge against you forever. I'm not sure if it's my drunkness talking or not but I do forgive you Amenadiel,"
"Thank you Sera, get some sleep," he says kissing her head as she passed out on the couch.
A/n: love the views but I could use some votes and comments, am I doing okay? Story any good? Let me know!

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