Chapter Nine

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"I'm so sorry I'm late," Dan says coming in with Seraphina on his trail.
He didn't want to be even more late than he already was and just decided to take her with him. He fixed up his hair as did Seraphina who only faked cough to get the awkwardness off of her as people were staring.
"Dan can I uhh.... See you for a moment?" Chloe asked from her desk as she had a frown and an angry look on her face as she walked away.
Dan had started to walk away, but not before giving Seraphina a kiss on the cheek.
"Behave, and you might get a reward tonight," Dan whispered in her ear smacking her butt causing her to gasp as he walked away smiling. As soon as he got to the closet Chloe was in he was instantly pinned to the wall by none other than Lucifer himself as he had an angry look in his eyes.
"Ah, detective Douche, how nice of you to drop by, I've been meaning to have a few words with you," he says slamming him back into the wall as Chloe was in the back of the closet with arms crossed.
"Lucifer we talked about this no violence,"
"Fine Detective, now Douche I'm going to be very clear for you. If you don't stay away from my sister there will be really bad consequences even ones that you can't handle got it?"
"No! Don't you get it Lucifer? Ever since I met Seraphina, she's made me happy. More happy than I've ever been, she's sweet, adorable, amazing and a little weird but she's a Morningstar so it counts! I love spending time and getting to know her, she really makes me feel different, like I matter,"
Lucifer's eyes widened as he slowly dropped Dan.
"Y-You love her," he stuttered as Dan stayed quiet. "I-I have to go detective," Lucifer says before walking out the closet.
When he saw his sister she was rummaging through the fridge as she smiled when she found pudding. Lucifer sighed and strolled his way over to her.
"Hey baby sis," he called out just as she took a spoonful.
"Mhmm. Earth had such good food. I honestly don't want to leave this place," she sighed turning to look at her brother.
"What do you mean leave? You just got here you can't go back,"
"Not now, maybe in a few months or so. Brother someone has to rule hell or souls will start figuring there way back to earth,"
"But.... I just got my baby sister back. Seraphina, you know we haven't seen each other since we got to hell thanks to dear old dad, now we're with each other again and I realized something when I confronted detective douche, I may not like him but I know he loves you and you make him happy and hopefully he to you. I don't like it but as long as your happy, I'm happy," Lucifer explained as Seraphina put the pudding down and hugged her big brother.
"THANK YOU BIG BROTHER!" She squealed letting go of him and running to find Dan who was suprisingly at the printer machine.
"DAN!" Seraphina squealed as Dan turned around just on time as she jumped on him, wrapping her legs around his waist as he held her bottom but not before stumbling a bit.
"Woah Sera, what's up?"
"Big brother approved of our relationship, now we can stop sneaking off to see each other," Seraphina giggled as Dan broke into a smile as she leaned down and kissed his lips.
Dan responded by moaning a the sudden contact as he kissed her back with just as much fierce and passion. The two were interrupted by a cough as Seraphina broke the kiss and jumped off of Dan as he saw a police officer with crossed arms and a disapproving look on his face.
"S-sorry officer, I'll go now, see ya hot stuff," she says slapping Dan's ass and giving it a squeeze before leaving the LAPD.
"She sure is something," Dan says gushing at her as she walked away with confidence.
"Get back to work Espinoza," the police guy says shaking his head and leaving.

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