Chapter Seventeen

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"DANIEL!" Seraphina shouted the next day as her and Lucifer entered the LAPD.
Chloe sighed irritated as Dan came out of his office with a grin on his face.
"Sera, what are you doing here?" He asked as the two hugged each other.
"Well since I didn't see my boyfriend last night I decided to come visit you at work, and I brought you this," Seraphina says letting Daniel go as she ran back to Lucifer and grabbed the bag he was holding in his hands.
"Okay I know it's not much but I know how much you really love them and I feel bad when Luci and I take one so here ya go," Seraphina said handing her the bag of chocolate pudding.
Dan smiled as he saw a whole bunch of them in there.
"Thanks babe it means a lot to me," he says kissing her on the lips before she pulled away.
"It's a term that couples use. It's sorta a cute nickname so to speak," Lucifer explained as Seraphina smiled.
"Oh I get it now. Hey babe what's up? That's how you use it right Luci?"
"Okay, Seraphina go home Lucifer and Daniel with me," Chloe says getting up from her chair.
"Wait why can't I go?"
"You'll only slow us down, you know nothing of what we do here,"
"That's a lie I know you guys catch criminals,"
"Seraphina maybe you should go back home. I only brought you here to see Daniel and give him the present, you can't work with us right now,"
"You don't believe I can do it can you? Thanks for being such a supportive big brother Lucifer," Seraphina says storming out as Daniel was calling after her.
"Why don't you two just give her a chance?" Daniel asked angry just before he went after his girlfriend.
Daniel found Seraphina walking down the sidewalk as he sighed in relief that she didn't fly away or anything.
"SERA!" He called after her as he was running towards her.
Seraphina stopped and turned around to see Daniel running towards her as she rolled her eyes.
"What Daniel?" Seraphina asked angry as he approached her.
"Hey, hey what they did to you back there was unsanitary and unnecessary. Come with me, you'll be my partner,"
"No thanks it's pretty clear Luci and Chloe don't want me there. Personally I think Chloe is just jealous of our relationship. But I guess I can't blame her you did have her first,"
"But now I have you and I want you there. It doesn't matter if Chloe or Lucifer doesn't want you it's not there call. Plus Chloe and I ended a long time ago she needs to let it go,"
"You sure I won't be a burden?"
"Not to me you won't," Daniel says as he stroked some hair behind her ear.
"Thank you Daniel, your the sweetest man ever," Seraphina says smiling as she gave him a kiss on the lips.
Dan was quick to kiss back as it lasted for a while before his phone started ringing and he had to pull away. He smiled like a goofball as he showed her the phone.
"Duty calls," he says before pressing the answer button.
"Espinoza here,"
"Dan where are you? Lucifer and I need you on the crime scene," Chloe answers on the other line.
"I was making sure my girlfriend was okay. Text me the address and we'll be on our way,"
"We? Dan you can't bring her along we told you this,"
"It's not your call. She's my girlfriend and if I want her to tag along she's coming with me. You can't stop me Chloe," Dan says before hanging up.
"Are we going?"
"Yes, come on babe let's go," he says pulling her hand as the two got into a car.
"Male, roughly about 32. One gun shot to the chest and the other to the head to finish the job," Ella explained while taking pictures of the victim. "From the looks of it I see scars on his wrists and arms. I see he's had a tough life before he died,"
"Any witnesses?"
"Just one. She was in her apartment when she heard loads of arguing and then gun shots she doesn't know who was inside though,"
"Bloody hell," Lucifer says as he sees Dan and Seraphina enter out the car holding each other's hands.
Chloe saw what he was looking at and an angry look crossed her features.
"Daniel, Seraphina we thought we told you you cannot come? My sister is too young to see this stuff," Lucifer says approaching them.
"Luci have you forgotten I ruled hell for a good while, while you were gone? I can take seeing dead bodies,"
"And I don't care what you two say. She's my lady and if I want to bring her along I can," Dan says moving past Lucifer as Seraphina smiled as she trailed behind him.

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