Chapter Thirteen

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"Seraphina, my baby girl," she says running over and hugging her as Sera just sat there shocked and looked over to Lucifer who shrugged his shoulders.
"Mom what are you doing?"
"Hugging my last daughter I ever had, I missed you dear,"
"Don't give me that crap mom. You know I was never your favorite daughter,"
"I love all my children the same sweetie,"
"No! You don't get to treat me like your mom of the year. You've always hated me just like everyone else besides Amenadiel and Lucifer,"
Mom sighs as she shakes her head.
"I never hated you honey, it's just with Lucifer your always a trouble maker and that's why I was hard on both of you. I know I'm not the best mom but believe me when I say I love both of you equally and the same, now Luci's been telling me about this man your dating?"
"Mommmm does it matter who I date?"
"Yes, because Lucifers told me all about Detective Douche and how wrong he is for you,"
"No, if anything Daniel is the sweetest person I've ever met, he's kind, he's caring, adorable and nerdy and not to mention very protective over me,"
"Yes and that's why he let you get shot twice huh? Isn't that the whole reason why your here?"
"Shut up Luci, nobody saw it coming okay? You can't blame Daniel besides if he had answered the door he would be in my position and that would hurt me more,"
"Knock, knock," Dan says entering the room with yellow flowers in hand.
"Dan, back already? I thought you were out with Trixie?"
"I was, but then she started getting sleepy after awhile from having fun at the park. I took her home so she can sleep,"
"Awww cute. Are those for me?" She asked as he came over to kiss her head and nodded as he handed her the flowers.
"Mhmm smells so good. Thank you Dan,"
"Daniel I don't like you romantically involved with my daughter," her mom says with arms crossed.
Dan turned around with a suprised look on his face.
"Charlotte Richards your Seraphina's mother?"
"Step mother to be exact. Uhh.... Long story of family issues but shes very protective of Seraphina just as much as I am," Lucifer explains as Dan nodded. 
"Look Ms. Richards I really, really like your daughter and I promise to take care of her and to never hurt her,"
"Funny didnt you say the same thing about the Detective?"
"Sera is different," Daniel snapped as the two stared down at each other.
"Boys, stop it Daniel let me make myself clear. If you hurt my daughter, or break her heart in any kind of way, or even cry, you will wish that both your parents kept there legs closed the day you were conceived. I'll be back sweetie got some errands to run," she said before leaving the room.
"Wow, Charlotte Richards huh?" Dan asked as Seraphina rolled her eyes.
"Mom never cared before and she doesn't now, she's only acting the part. We never had a close relationship,"
"Well I know what we can do to make this awkward day better,"
"Yeah? What you have in mind Mr. Espinoza?" Seraphina asks as she sat up and grabbed onto his tie and placed her forehead on his.
"Sera, were in a hospital it's wrong to have sex when someone can come in at any time,"
"Ever heard of a quickie Daniel? Please you'd make me feel so much better,"
"Mhmmm you are so tempting but really Sera we can't right now and your still injured I don't want to hurt you," Daniel says as Seraphina sighed and layed back down.
"Buzz kill dude really. What else you had in mind?"
"Some s'mores and popcorn,"
"Some what?"
"S'mores and popcorn and a couple of movies. Wait don't tell me you've never had S'mores?"
"Nope, from Hell remember? We don't get treats or whatever you humans call it,"
"Still on about this hell stuff? Sera your human more than anything to me,"
"Don't dare compare me to you worthless humans. My brother and I are far more greater than you know so don't compare me to one," Seraphina snapped her eyes narrowing at him.
"Okay I see this is getting to be too much. I'll just see you later than," Daniel says before getting up and walking away.


Back from a writers block enjoy!

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