Chapter Twenty One

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"Bloody hell," Lucifer says with an eye roll as he pulled out the annoying phone that was ringing.
He was in the middle of interrogating a suspect and he looked to see it was Daniel who was calling.
As soon as Lucifer pressed the end call and put it back in his pocket it began ringing again as Chloe cleared her throat.
"Ummm Lucifer wanna take that else where?"
"Hold on it only be a moment..... WHAT?!" He shouted into the phone once he picked up.
"Lucifer it's Seraphina shes-"
"What? What's wrong?" Lucifer already panicked as soon as he said her name.
"I-I think she's in some kind of trance Lucifer! She was going to shower, I heard her scream ran into the bathroom and found her laying on the bathroom floor with her towel on.  Her eyes are pitch black like.... She's somewhere else and not to mention right now she's floating in thin air,"
"Oh dad what have you done? Okay don't move her or anything I'm on my way I'll also get Amenadiel as well,"
"Okay hurry Lucifer I'm afraid for her,"
"Sorry detective but I have to go," Lucifer says hanging up the phone as he got his jacket from the chair.
"Wait were in a middle of an important investigation and your leaving?"
"It's my sister she could be in grave danger, you always say family comes first. You'll sort this one out yourself hmm?" He asked before quickly leaving the room.
When Lucifer and Amenadiel got to Daniel's apartment, Lucifer kicked open the door.
"Luci was that necessary?"
"When it involves Seraphina yes, detective douche where are you?"
"Still in the bathroom but Lucifer you don't wanna come in here,"
"Like bloody hell I don't what's going.... On?" He asked himself more as he looked to see the state his sister was in.
His eyes widened as she had one horn on her head, along with one wing on her back, her tail instead of being sharp and pointy it's curled and pointy, one of her eye was also red while the other remained pitch black.
"What the devil is going on here?" Lucifer asked in shock.
"Luci I've never seen anything like it, Sera, Seraphina can you hear me?" Amenadiel asked stepping closer to her but Lucifer held him back.
"Hold on brother she might not be herself, I'm giving two explanations one she's in heaven and is talking with dad, and he's changing her true form or two someone from hell has summoned her down and she's suffering from a nightmare of her own causing this weird transformation to happen and if the transformation completes she goes back to hell and can never return to earth,"
"Wait, wait why would someone from hell try to kill her?"
"To keep her there permanently, she has a lot of enemies in hell, Amenadiel is there a way for you to possibly contact dad in the silver City and ask for Seraphina? If she's not up there then I have to go to hell, find her and bring her back before the transformation is complete,"
"Wait, wait Sera said you have to die in order to go and she doesn't, so does that mean we're gonna have to kill you?" Dan asked putting the pieces together.
Lucifer nodded.
"More like you will but I need the detective to be close to me first otherwise I can't die,"
"How much time do we have?" Daniel asked looking at Seraphina as her hair changed from black to a bright red almost like fire.
"Judging from the speed I'd at least say two hours at most which means I have an hour to get the detective over here,"
"But she doesn't know.about any of this, can you imagine the horror if she sees Sera like this?"
"That's why your going to keep her distracted,"
"Than whos gonna kill you?"
"I will. I'll kill myself or I could have Dr. Linda do it I mean she's done it before,"
"Linda? As in the therapist Linda Martin? She knows about you?"
"Yup, she knows about all of us I know it's ironic I'm the devil who has a therapist but she helps me with my problems now let's continue our mission in saving my sister,"

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