Chapter Twenty Three

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"I mean, I don't like her of course but if it means that much to you than yeah Trixie can spend the day with Seraphina is that all? I thought when you said urgent you meant somethings wrong you couldn't have asked after work?" Chloe asked crossing her arms as Dan rubbed the back of his head.
"Yeah, sorry about that I-"
Two large gasps and a sudden scream was heard from the bathroom as Dan quickly ran inside with Chloe following behind. He opened the door to reveal a now awakened Seraphina and Lucifer along with a shocked looking Dr. Martin.
"Lucifer? Seraphina? Linda? Wait, what did you do to your hair?" Chloe asked causing Seraphina to look at a strand of red hair.
"SERAPHINA!" Daniel yelled running to her as he went and grabbed her by the waist as she smiled and hugged him back.
"You idiot you scared me to death! I didn't think I'd see you again,"
"Oh Daniel, I didn't think I'd see you again either. Thank you for having Lucifer save me,"
"Anything for you. I almost completely lost you, what happened anyways?"
"I-I don't know which is why I need to find out,"
"Wait what? What do you mean find out?"
"Okay can someone please explain what's going on?"
"Let's take a walk shall we Detective?" Lucifer asks with a sad smile as he got up and took her out causing Linda to follow.
"Dan, I have to go back to hell, if someone can do that to me that means someone's rising in power. My nightmare was being kicked out of Heaven over and over and that's something I'm not looking forward to experiencing again, you have to understand why I have to leave right?"
"No, no Sera your the best thing that's ever happened to me, isn't Lucifer Satan why can't he just go back?"
"Because that's unfair to him, he's made a life here,"
"And I want a life with you, please Sera don't leave me,"
Seraphina sighed as she hugged Daniel close to her, knowing that this might be the last she'll ever see him.
"You are the greatest thing that's happened to me. The most interesting human I've ever been with, I love you Dan,"
"And I to you. Please, please dont go Sera, don't go. How about I come with you? I'd spend an eternity in hell if it means being with you,"
Seraphina shook her head as silent tears ran down her face causing Dan to use his thumbs to wipe them away.
"And leave your daughter behind? Pretty selfish Daniel. But we'll see each other again. Whoever is starting to rise into power needs to be stopped. I'm not sure when I'll come back but the day I do you'll be happy with someone else, I love you Daniel I always will," She said before giving him one last kiss on the lips.
Dan's eyes teared up as he grabbed onto Seraphina tightly not wanting to let her go anymore.
"God if I watch anymore of this I'll puke," Seraphina heard her mom say as she broke the kiss to see her standing at the doorway.
"Mom? What are you doing here?"
"Well Lucifer gave me a worried call then told me what was happening to you but I was in a very important meeting when it all happened though so sorry if I showed up late to the party but it seems as though Lucifer had it under control. And darling don't worry about leaving because I'll do it,"
"Do what mom?"
"Go to hell and find that son of a bitch who thinks he can get away with almost killing my daughter. I clearly see you two don't want to leave each other and honestly, I'm tired of this Earth. People make me sick,"
"But mom, you don't know when your coming back,"
"I most likely won't. But seriously honey, seeing you, Amenadiel, and Lucifer is really all that I wanted. You guys are a team together and for you to go back to hell isn't an option. Besides it'll crush Lucifer, he only just got his baby sister back,"
"But mom-"
"Ah, ah, ah, stay here Sera. It's where you belong, I'm sorry if I've haven't been the best mom in the world but it's the least I could do. I love you baby, don't ever forget that," her mom says walking over to her as she kissed her on the head.
"I love you too Mom, are you going to say bye to Lucifer and Amenadiel?"
"Already have. Just thought I'd come by and see you for the last time,"
"Thank you Mom and don't worry I'll come to hell and check on things every now and then. Just inform me of what going on and if things get too complicated, I'll come back,"
"Right, goodbye darling. I gotta go back to Lucifer so we can get this over with,"
"Bye Mom. Thanks again and I'm sorry it has to be like this,"
"It's okay darling. Just know I'd do anything for you," she said before giving her one last smile before leaving the bathroom.
Daniel gave Seraphina a small smile as he placed his forehead on hers.
"Looks like your not going anywhere,"
"You only got lucky," she said chuckling as Daniel did the same.
"I love you Seraphina Morningstar,"
"And I love you Daniel Espinoza," she said before they both sealed each other with a kiss.

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