Chapter Ten

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"Are you serious?" Dan asked as it was 8 at night and the two were eating popcorn while Dan was picking out movies.
"Yes, I've never seen no.... Alien movie whatever they are," she says causing Dan to laugh.
"Your so adorable Sera, your the first girl who's never watched the badass original Alien movies. Aliens are extra  terrestrial beings not from Earth. And there supposed to have this high technology that destroys our planet for resources,"
"They sound.... Pretty cool. Do you believe in these Aliens Dan?"
"I believe there is something out there other than us, other life forms so to speak,"
"I see. Well let's watch this Alien movie your so fond of then,"
"Well guess we're gonna be up for a long time then,"
"Well there's like 6 movies,"
"It's alright I can take a challenge.... Besides I'm Seraphina Morningstar I can stay up as long as I want to,"
"Alright let's-"
Before Dan could finish his sentence, the door knocked causing them to sigh as Seraphina went over to open the door.
"Hello?" She started but stopped as two shots were heard.
Seraphina gasped as she placed a hand on her bullet wounds to the stomach as Dan came rushing out.
"Lucifer is mine," the person growled before running away.
"I-Impossible," Seraphina says collapsing on the ground as Dan ran over to her.
"SERAPHINA! SERA! KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN!" Dan says catching her as he dialed 911.
Time seemed to slow down for her as blood gushed from her lips as she looked up at Dan's panicked face who was quickly spreading words in an angry frustrated tone. Seraphina is immortal like her brother, so she doesn't understand why her wounds aren't healing and blood is actually seeping through the floor.
"Sera, hold on. Hold on," Dan says before Seraphina closed her eyes.
Lucifer Morningstar was at the bar drinking his usual favorite. It was quiet at Lux tonight, he assumed.his sister is hanging out with Daniel and Mazikeen was else where. There has been a murder going around and the person is killing off his ex's one by one so 10 minutes later he received a phone call from Douche man himself.
"Detective Douche, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Lucifer asked his usual smirk on his face.
He began to frown when Daniel was taking shaky, deep breaths and sound like he's on the verge of crying his eyes out.
"Daniel? What's wrong? Is the detective and my sister okay?" He asked concerned about the two most important people in his life.
"It's Sera, Lucifer. S-someone shot her twice! They don't know if she'll make it," Daniel announced as Lucifer whole world came crashing down on him.
Without another word he quickly got up and headed towards his car and rushed his way to the hospital, not caring that he almost got several people killed running red lights. Once he made it he busted open the hospital doors as his hair was in a  mess and a look of panic across his features.
"Seraphina Morningstar where is she?" Lucifer demanded the nurse as her eyes widened.
"A-And your relationship to the patient?" She nervously asked as Lucifer laughed in her face.
"Lucifer bloody Morningstar I'm her big brother now tell me!"
"S-Shes in room 17B but sir you can't go in there!" The nurse called but was too late as Lucifer was already running towards to find her.
Instead of finding her she found Daniel furiously wiping his eyes as he looked up at Lucifer with red eyes as he only assumed the worst.
"No! No! No! Daniel don't tell me.... Daniel please just-"
"I DONT KNOW! There operating on her now. They haven't said anything,"
"Explain to me what happened?"
"W-we were going to watch an Alien marathon together, then a knock on the door came and it should have been me but Seraphina opened the door and the next thing I know I heard gun shots,"
"You know Daniel, Seraphina is immortal like me. Unless your vulnerable to her like the detective is to me," he says putting the pieces together as his eyes widened. "Oh no, no, no dear Dad please tell me you didn't do this,"
"Do what?"
"Your vulnerable to my sister, Chloe is vulnerable to me... He did it again and to think I thought these feelings you had for her were real,"
"What are you talking about? They are real!"
"No Daniel my dad manipulated you and Seraphina these feelings you have for her aren't real. Dad put you in her path for one reason only and that is-"
"Lucifer Morningstar? Detective Espinoza?" A doctor said coming out of the room as the two instantly stood up.
"She's going to be okay, a second later she could have died officially,”
"Can we see her?"
"Yes, she's very weak at the moment and is asleep. She gave us quite the scare though,"
Before the doctor could say anything else Lucifer was already heading in the room.

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