Chapter Two

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"Who's this?" A woman Seraphina knew all to well asks once the two pulled up into the club Lux and went inside.
"Maze is that you?"
"I'm sorry who's-"
"I know I was shocked to Maze," Lucifer says setting her on the bar stool.
"Now, sit here while I look for some real clothes. Get caught up with Mazikeen,"
"Who are you again?"
"Seraphina, the "friend" you left in hell?"
"Oh, Oh my-"
"Don't start bringing dad into this please. He's the whole reason we're into this bloody mess," Lucifer says coming back down with a long white shirt and some girl pants.
"What is this? It looks-"
"Decent, sorry sister I couldn't find a shirt without exposing anything in Mazikeen's closet, I was even shocked to see she had pants,"
"You know brother I don't mind not wearing anything. I do have a hot body you know,"
"That's my problem. You couldn't pick a more..... Unattractive look?"
"Luci, do you know me at all? I'm into today's latest fashion and it happens to be no clothes,"
"Okay Mazikeen please look after my sister I have to go to work. I'll see you when I'm home baby sis," he says kissing her forehead before leaving the bar.
Once Lucifer drove to work he got out to see Detective Decker and Douche in a heated conversation.
"Oh, what is this about Detective?"
"Nothing Lucifer, it's good you decided to finally show yourself,"
"Sorry I had family matters that required attention,"
"Right, hey who was that girl you left with? She is really hot, I only got a peak at her though,"
"Now Detective Douche, she happens to be my sister so it means off limits!"
Lucifer could hear laughing as Dan's attention was to the woman sitting on top of the desk wearing a top that showed off her stomach and very short shorts. She had placed her hand on an officers arm who was smiling and looking hungrily at her. Lucifer's face boiled as he sighed as he once again shrugged off his jacket.
"GET AWAY FROM HER!" Lucifer boomed before picking her up and over his shoulder.
"Luci, Luci put me down!" She squeals trying to get out of his firm grip.
Lucifer had taken her to an interrogation room and had put her down.
"What on Earth are you doing? And what the hell are you wearing? That outfit is a definite no no sister,"
"Mazikeen let me go and let me borrow her clothes. Says I needed brother bonding since we haven't seen each other in forever and here I am,"
"Sister you can't go out wearing that! To many predators and men are eyeing you. Okay, you can stay but stay with me at all costs got it? And to accept the deal wear this," he says handing her his suite jacket.
"Wow making a deal with my own brother, how original," she replies rolling her eyes as she puts it on.
"It's too protect you and never wear Maze's clothes again please," he says before walking her out of the room.
"Detective and Douche I would like you to meet someone special. This is-"
"Seraphina Morningstar it's nice to meet both of you," she says as Dan was lost for words.
He was staring at her but maybe a little too hard as she noticed and smirked at him.
"Something on my face Mr. Douche?" She asked causing Lucifer to bust out laughing as Dan's cheeks flushed bright red.
"Umm... No. Sorry I ummm.... And my name is Daniel, or Dan if you prefer, your little brother intends to call me Douche,"
Seraphina began laughing as Dan only tensed up more as his heart began beating our of his chest. He loves the sound of her laughter and he had just met her.
"Dan, Lucifer isn't my little brother he's my big brother,"
"Oh, s-sorry my mistake,"
"It's okay really. Your cute I like you Dan," she says grabbing his cheeks and pinching them causing him to blush harder.
"Okay there will be no touching sister, Detective any leads on our kidnappers?"
"Just that before she was taken this video was on her phone days before," she says handing Lucifer a strange device as Seraphina peered over her shoulder to look at the small thing.
"My name is Krystal Peters, if you are watching this that means they came for me. Mom, I'm truly sorry for everything and for letting you down, I just want you to know that whatever happens I love you,"
The video says before it ended with tears in the girls eyes. 
"Big brother what is this device?" Seraphina asks grabbing it from him and inspecting it.
"Hey! Lucifer tell your sister she's touching evidence,"
"I'll be taking that back thank you, sis why don't you go wait outside I'll be there shortly,"
"Okay," she says shrugging her shoulders and walking away.
"You can stop staring now Detective Douche," Lucifer says irritated as Dan cleared his throat.
He has no idea what's going on with him.

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