Chapter Eight

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"Hey Seraphina, listen umm..... I have an hour for lunch break and was wondering if you'd like for me to pick you up?" Dan asked through the phone.
It was around one in the afternoon when Seraphina woke up on the couch, not really remembering what happened in the last couple of hours, the last she remembered was getting a drink but she also had a killer headache when she heard her phone ringing.
"Detective Espinoza, are you asking me out on a date?" She asked in a teasing voice as Dan was glad she couldn't see him blushing.
"I- I guess I am,"
"Well detective, it's your lucky day. Of course I'd go with you!"
"T-Thats great! I'm on my way over I'll be there in 10,"
"You'd knew I'd say yes didn't you detective?"
"M-maybe, it's just after last night I really want to see you again,"
"I do as well. Let me get dressed,"
"Okay. See you soon,"
Once he hung up the phone, Seraphina smiled as she raced into Mazikeen's room and pulled out a pair of skinny jeans and a black open stomach shirt. She's not going to lie, she loves Mazikeen's clothes even though Lucifer highly disagrees with them. Once she was dressed, she combed through her hair and put on some perfume she also found in Maze's closet. She had put on light make up and was ready to go. Soon enough she heard the door knocking and she jumped up from the bar stool to open it to reveal Dan.
"Hi," she breathes out a smile on her face.
Dan mirrored the smile on her face happy to know that someone was happy to see him.
"Hi," he breathed out as he kissed her cheek.
"Ready to go?"
"Of course,"
The two had gotten in the car as Dan started driving. The silence was comfortable until Dan started talking.
"So, I've been kinda avoiding your brother all day," Dan chuckled as Seraphina laughed.
"Is Dan Espinoza afraid of my big brother? He gave me hell this morning about it,"
"Me? Scared of Lucifer? Please I just didn't want to hear him running that mouth of his,"
"He can be a handful, hey thanks for spending your lunch hour with me Dan,"
"No problem Sera, I mean Seraphina sorry about that,"
"It's quite alright. The only person who calls me Sera is Amenadiel and I like it coming out of your mouth better Detective," she says smiling as Dan pulled up at a burger joint.
"Thanks, I hope you like burgers,"
"I've never had one, but Lucifer told me how good they were though,"
"Wait, you've never had a burger before?"
"I told you detective, I'm not from Earth,"
"Oh right the whole Hell thing, we'll come on little devil let's get something to eat,"
Seraphina couldn't help but smile at the nickname.
"Oh my Lord this is the best thing I've ever tasted!" Seraphina squealed as the two were sitting in the car with burgers and fries and a Sprite to drink.
"You humans are fantastic at food!" She says as she just finished eating her burger and was going for the fries.
She hummed in pleasure as Dan was just smiling at her like a goofball, she was truly adorable in his eyes and he wanted nothing but to make her happy. Seraphina noticed this and looked at him funny.
"What?" She asked smiling and a mouth full of fries.
He chuckled and shook his head.
"Your just adorable," he found himself saying out loud as she blushed and looked away from him.
"Thank you detective," there conversation was interrupted with her phone going off.
Seraphina sighed as she saw it was Lucifer calling and she answered after the third ring.
"Where in bloody hell are you? I sent Mazikeen home to check up on you but your not there,"
"I ummm.... I'm out brother,"
"With who?"
"I'm uhh..... I'm with the Detective out for lunch,"
"Detective Douche? He's been avoiding me all day! Please put him on the-"
Seraphina hanged up the phone as she sighed.
"He's going to kill me,"
"Maybe, but I need to get going before I'm late. I'll try my best to avoid Lucifer as much as possible,"
"Yeah, because he'll both give us a mouth full when he comes home. I had a fun time with you Dan, we should do it again real soon," she says placing a hand on his thigh as she began traveling it upwards.
"I should uhh.... Really get going Sera," he said hesitating as she moved her face closer to his.
"Not even for a quickie Daniel?"
"Ah hell," he said before crashing his lips onto hers.

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