Chapter Six

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"I hope this is okay," Dan says as the two were at a restaurant.
It wasn't fancy, but then again Seraphina knew it was the thought that counts not the amount of money or place.
"It's Perfect detective, so my brother tells me your Chloe's ex husband?"
"Your brother can talk, yes I am her ex husband. Does that change anything?"
Seraphina shook her head.
"No, I don't know Chloe well enough to make it awkward. I just hope she don't mind me having you all to myself," she says smirking as a blush made it's way to his face.
"S-so, how do you like Los Angeles so far?"
"I haven't explored enough to know what to like about it. But it's okay I guess, hey Dan can I ask you something?"
"Yeah anything,"
"It's about my older brother. He's done something really bad to me a long time ago and he's claiming that he's changed and wants to get back to the way we once we're but how do I forgive someone who's done something so horrible?"
"Well, it takes time for someone to forgive someone else but you can't hold on to the grudge forever because life is short, and he is family. And no matter what family always sticks together through the end but you'll forgive him in time,"
Seraphina sighed as she over think his words. He was right, at some point she has to forgive Amenadiel and would like for things to go back to the way they were before there father ruined everything. She bit her lip in a nervous way as Dan put s conforting hand on top of Seraphina's.
"Hey everything will be alright I promise,"
"Thanks Dan. Your a really good help,"
So, through out the night Dan and Seraphina talked, ate, drank, and laughed. Seraphina could say she was having the best time of her life getting to know the detective and Dan could say the same thing.
"Dan there's something I must confess,"
"What is it?" He asks panic running through him at the thought of her not having fun with him.
"Y-Your the first man to ever ask me out on a date," she says blushing as Dan's eyes widened.
"No way as beautiful as you are your telling me nobody has ever asked you out before?"
"Let's just say I'm a closed off type. I've always been busy and never had time for stuff like dates, or love, or marriages, I don't really see that as being me,"
"Well can I change your mind? It's just.... I really like you and I want to see more of you,"
"Of course detective, I really like you too. Your really interesting for a human,"
"What is with you and Lucifer saying weird stuff like that?"
"I told you I'm not from here Detective. I really don't know how long I be here,"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean.... I have to go back to ruling hell at some point if my brother won't. To many souls can escape if not under someone's care,"
"I don't want you to leave Seraphina, I really loved getting to know you,"
"Aww Daniel, I did as well," she says leaning over the table and giving him a peck on the lips.
Dan however wasn't having it as he caressed her cheek and leaned in for a much longer, lasting kiss. Seraphina moaned into his mouth as she parted her lips and let him access her mouth. Dan complied and the two battled with dominance as she suprisingly won, and bit his lip before pulling away and sitting back down.
"That was-"
"Amazing, I always wondered what a kiss felt like,"
"You've never been kissed either?"
Seraphina shook her head.
"You'd be my first human at anything Daniel,"
"Why me?"
"Because I like you, your smart, caring, sweet and adorable as well oh and let's not forget charming,"
Daniel smirked.
"I'm charming huh?"
"Mhmm, and let me tell you what I wanna do to you after this amazing evening," she says giving him a wink as his face turned red.
"Umm... Your brother mentioned no sleeping together afterwords,"
"And your going to listen to him? He's not my father Detective,"
And so, as soon as the two arrived at Daniel's apartment they crashed into each other with heated kisses until the two landed on the couch. Seraphina giggled as Dan was kissing down her neck as he hurriedly took off her dress as he purred when he saw her in a red bra and panties.
"Red suites you baby," he says causing Seraphina to giggle some more as he was staring at her body like he was worshipping it.
"Detective Dan, I've been a bad girl," she says bitting her lip as Dan kissed her lips again.
"I think we need to take care of that right away," he says lifting her up causing her to laugh as he threw her on the bed.
Daniel climbed on top of her holding out his hand cuffs as he cuffed her hands together.
"Seraphina Morningstar, your under arrest for being so incredibly hot," he says before lips were being crushed together again.
It was morning when Dan woke up to a body laying next to his with his arms wrapped around her waist. Memories from last night flashed through his head as he smiled and kissed her bare shoulders, causing her to moan at the contact as Seraphina opened her eyes. At first she didn't recognize where she was but the sound of his voice calmed her nerves.
"Good morning," he says as she turns to face him.
"Good morning Detective, you have a wild side of you,"
"Sorry, did I go to far?"
"No, it was a turn on if I'm being honest with you. I really enjoyed you last night," she says as his arm slid off of her waist when she got up and checked her phone.
"Oh hell," she says realizing it was 8 in the morning and she had several missed calls from Lucifer last night. "Bloody hell Luci's going to kill me, I'm sorry Dan but I have to go,"
"Wait, will I see you again?" He asks as Seraphina put on her clothes from last night.
"Of course Detective, I'm only a phone call away," she replies giving him a kiss as she pulled away before he kissed back.
"See you soon detective," she says leaving his apartment stunned.
When Dan came into work he had on a cheery face as Ella approached him.
"Hey Dan, your looking good. Did something happen last night?"
"I was on a date with this amazing girl and guess what? She wants to see me again! How great is that?"
"Ooh, looks like someone's been struck by cupid," she says smiling as he went over to Chloe.
"Yeah hey, listen Lucifer is not happy with you,"
"Well for one you kept his baby sister out all night. That man is seriously protective over her, once he got a call from her telling him that she's home he left but not before muttering how he's going to torture Detective Douche,"
"Still can't ruin my mood. Last night was too good to be true," he says having a dreamy look in his eyes as Chloe rolled her own eyes.

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