Chapter Nineteen

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"mum," Seraphina complained the next day.
"Are you wearing protection? That's all I'm asking sweetie,"
"Mum, I don't need to answer that question. Besides I can't get pregnant I'm not a human remember? Besides it's weird talking about my sex life with you,"
"I'm only looking out for you baby girl, you know I love you and that's why we're having the talk,"
"Good morning ladies, I hope you slept well," Lucifer says coming down as Seraphina sighed in relief.
"Oh Luci thank God, you saved me from a very awkward conversation with mum,"
"Oh the sex talk? Yeah she told me she was going to have one with you, we only want what's best for you can't afford another Seraphina running around,"
"That's why I went and bought you this," her mom says throwing her a pill bottle as Seraphina easily caught it.
"MOM! ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?!" Seraphina yelled throwing the birth control pills on the ground. "Ughh I don't have time for this. If y'all can't grasp the concept that I CANT EVER get pregnant than y'all are as stupid as y'all look," she told them just before heading out.
"Wow," Daniel said as Seraphina was in his apartment, for it was his day off and she decided to spend it with him while playing video games.
"I know, the nerve of that woman she irritates me, my mom and I never had a good relationship now all of a sudden she wants to do what's best for me? Yeah right," Sera says before killing a zombie harshly on screen.
"Well Sera, your mom is goddess of all creations she's only looking out for you, I think just for her sake you should definitely take birth controls because honestly I'm not even ready to have another one,"
"For the 10th million time I'm an angel, well a fallen angel and I seriously can't get pregnant an angel can't get pregnant by a human and besides Dan if your so worried why don't you wear what you call condoms when we have sex?" She asked causing him to blush.
"Ummm..... Ughh.... Because it..... It umm.... Feels really nice without them on, and your really good,"
Seraphina smiled.
"What are you trying to say Daniel?" She asked teasingly.
"That your the best sex I've ever had in my lifetime,"
"Better than Chloe?"
"Yes I mean.... No I mean-"
Seraphina laughed as Dan hid in embarrassment with his hands.
"Oh I'm so telling Chloe!"
"No!" Daniel panicked as Seraphina laughed harder.
"I'm better than Chloe!" Seraphina sang while getting up from the couch and running around the apartment having Daniel chase after her.
"IM GOING TO TELL CHLOE!" She shouted as Daniel finally caught her by the waist and began spinning her around as she squealed with happiness.
"I caught you, now you can't tell Chloe,"
"I can easily get out of your grasp Mr. Espinoza,"
"How about this, if you tell Chloe what I said then no sex for a whole week,"
"Like you can last a whole week without me? Your funny Mr. Espinoza,"
"Oh you think I can't?"
"I'm in your head too much no way you can last with no sex for a week,"
"Are you betting me Ms. Morningstar?"
"You started it, maybe I am,"
"Okay it's a deal, if I can last one week without having sex you get to do everything and anything I want and say for a week, and if you can last without sex for a week I do what you have to say, do we have a deal little demon princess?"
"Yes starting now,"
"Next week,"
"Wait what?"
"Well it's already Wednesday, so why not have it next week on Monday?"
"That means about 4 days worth of sex huh?"
"Four glorious days of nothing but sex," Seraphina whispered as her lips got close to his.
Before lips could connect the door knocked as Seraphina tensed since the last time she opened it she got shot twice.
"I'll answer it this time don't worry,"  Daniel said with a sigh as he removed himself from her as they held hands while going towards the door.
When Daniel opened it it shocked him to see Trixie his daughter at the other side with a pout on her face and a backpack on her back with an upset Chloe next to her.
"Dan your supposed to take your daughter and take her to- oh, that's why," she trailed off seeing Seraphina behind him.
"Oh sorry I got so caught up in Sera, yeah I'll take her,"
"Okay, okay I have to get to work before I'm late. Bye, bye monkey,"
"Bye mommy," Trixie say before she left the apartment.

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