05. real life

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"WHEN THE SUN SHINES, WE SHINE TOGETHER," the two friends belted out as the song played on the radio.

"Get it, Tom!" Zendaya shouted over the blasting music.

"TOLD YOU I'LL BE HERE FOREVER, SAID I'LL ALWAYS BE YOUR FRIEND," Tom sung loudly (more like screamed if we're being honest).

Together, they screamed in a messy unison, "YOU CAN STAND UNDER MY UMBRELLA, ELLA, ELLA, EH, EH, EH."

"WOOO!" Tom cheered as the song ended.

The two co-stars were currently on their way back to their hotel after an exhausting day of interviews for Spider-Man Homecoming. Zendaya had her hands on the steering wheel while Tom was sat in the passenger's seat.

"I can't believe that song just played! And you knew all the lyrics too," Zendaya teased.

Tom laughed, remembering his performance on lip sync battle.

All of a sudden, another song comes on the radio and Zendaya let out a scream.

Tom's eyes widen and he turns towards her with a confused expression. Zendaya reaches for her phone but can only open it with touch id so she yells at Tom, "OH MY GOD. TOM OPEN MY CONTACTS RIGHT NOW."

Frantically, Tom grabs her phone and follows her instructions, kind of scared for his life at the moment. He still had no idea what caused her to scream so loudly but decided it was best to not question her at this state. Meanwhile, the radio continues playing a song that Tom has never heard of. Although he doesn't know it, the song playing was the exact reason why Zendaya's freaking out.

"Remember when you said that there's no second chance?
Oh baby, I heard you been hoping you could change the past."

"TOM, FACETIME CORALYNN! HURRY UP," Zendaya shouts at Tom, all while trying to stay a safe driver.

"OKAY OKAY! HOLD ON," Tom shouts back, hurriedly scrolling through her list of contacts until he found the name Coralynn.

When he found Coralynn's contact, Tom quickly tapped the facetime button. All while the radio continued to play:

"That's my shape, I made the shadow.
That's my name, don't wear it out though.
Feeling myself can't be illegal, illegal."

Zendaya's phone continued to ring until a voice finally called out, "Hello?"

"CORALYNN, YOUR SONG IS ON THE RADIO!" Zendaya yelled at the phone Tom was holding up for her.

"NO WAY! WHAT STATION?" Coralynn shouted back, now just as excited as Zendaya was.

Because she had to keep her eyes on the road, Zendaya ordered Tom to do it instead, "TOM, TELL HER WHAT STATION IT IS! I CAN'T LOOK RIGHT NOW."

Slightly moving the camera of the phone to face him, Tom looked at the radio station and repeated it to the girl on the screen he hasn't even officially met yet.

After finding the station playing her song, Coralynn joins Zendaya in singing along to the radio.

Tom, who finally has time to actually listen to the song playing without Zendaya yelling at him, bops his head to the catchy song with them.

"SO SUE ME FOR LOOKING SO PRETTY TONIGHT, WEARING YOUR FAVORITE COLOR UNDER THE LIGHTS, FOR MOVING ON, DOING EVERYTHING RIGHT," Zendaya and Coralynn sing gleefully while Tom continues to bop his head along and hold the phone up for Zendaya.

Much to the their disappointment, the song comes to end in just a few short minutes and leaves Zendaya and Coralynn out of breath.

Tom takes the chance to actually introduce himself, "Hi, by the way, I'm Tom."

"Kinda figured from Z shouting at you," she laughs, "but I'm Coralynn."

"Nice to meet you! Your song is really good by the way," he smiles.

"Thank you! I can't believe it was on the radio," Coralynn beams at his compliment.

"Tom, you should listen to her other songs too! They're all so good," Zendaya adds after finally catching her breath.

Tom takes his own phone out and opens instagram, "What's your instagram handle, Coralynn?"

"Oh, it's happy.cora! I'll follow you back, hold on." The word paused appears on Zendaya's screen for a moment as Coralynn exits out of the facetime app and opens instagram.

"Pretty sure Coralynn has more followers than you, Tom!" Zendaya teases.

Tom chuckles and playfully replies, "Damn you're right, she's way more famous than me!"

"Oh no! You're less famous, what a tragedy!" Zendaya sarcastically replies.

I hope you guys enjoyed the first real life chapter of this book !!! Honestly, I had no idea how to end this chapter bahaha so sorry about the abrupt ending ! thanks for reading and voting, i appreciate it sm :)

SUE ME! tom holland ✓Where stories live. Discover now