19. real life

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"One... two... three!"

"GRYFFINDOR!" Tom and Coralynn shouted at the same time.

It was nearly midnight and the two were laying on Coralynn's bed, ready to binge watch Harry Potter movies.

But of course, before watching any Harry Potter movie with someone else, you must know which house they're in. And that's exactly what they were finding out.

Both of them had just finished taking the test and shouted their results at the same time. They burst into giggles when they were both sorted into the same Hogwarts house.

"Well then, let the binge watching begin."

Hours later, Coralynn's head rested peacefully on Tom's shoulder. Their quiet snores filled the room, and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets continued to play softly in the background.

A loud special effect from the movie jolts Coralynn awake. She looks upwards to see Tom sound asleep and gently smiles at the sight. She reaches forward to shut the movie off and pulls the blankets snugly over the two of them.

Unsure if it was alright to rest her head on Tom's shoulder again, Coralynn simply lays next to him and closes her eyes.

A smile creeps its way up her face when Tom unconsciously wraps an arm around her and pulls her closer to his chest. The two comfortably fall asleep, wrapped in each other's embrace.

- the next morning -

Sunlight shines through the blinds of Coralynn's hotel room. Tom wakes up and grins when he notices the position he and Coralynn fell asleep in. Gently, he removes his arms from around her and fights the urge to kiss Coralynn on the forehead.

Tom sighs softly as he climbs out of the warm bed. He walks over to the glass doors and pulls on the strings that open the blinds that had covered the sunlight from fully coming in.

Quietly pulling the doors open, he steps out onto the balcony that overlooked the city of New York. For a few quiet minutes, Tom rests his head in his palms and elbows on the railing of the balcony. He is so lost in his thoughts for that few minutes that he doesn't even notice when another figure walks onto the balcony with him.

Coralynn had woken up a few moments ago to an empty bed but smiled in relief when she noticed Tom standing on the balcony. She got out of bed and walked quietly over to him, careful not to disturb his thoughts. She opts for just leaning on the railing next to him instead.

However, her thoughtfulness went to waste as Tom immediately turned to her when she made her way over there.

He beams at her, "Morning, love."

"Good morning, did you sleep well?" she asks genuinely.

"I did," he shyly replies.

Only then does Coralynn realize he was referring to the way they had fallen asleep last night. The blush that rises to her cheeks causes her to stumble on her words, "Oh! I, um, didn't mean it like that."

He chuckles at her flustered face, "I know."

They both looked back over the balcony, eyes resting on the city's skyline. Only the sounds of cars and construction filled the air.

Neither of them knew what to say, only what they wanted to do. The moment felt so right, so perfect.

Tom makes the first move and places his hand over Coralynn's which was rested on top of the railing. They move closer to each other, hearts beating wildly as they anticipated the other's next move.

When neither of them seems to do so, Coralynn looks up at him only to find his eyes already watching her.

Suddenly feeling immensely nervous, Coralynn softly bites her bottom lip and breaks eye contact.

On the other hand, Tom can't handle the tension anymore and gives in to the urge. With his free hand, he lifts Coralynn's head up and holds eye contact again before moving his head closer than ever.

Coralynn closes her eyes, waiting for the contact she so desperately wanted at the moment but finds that it doesn't come. Confused, she opens her eyes again and tenses when she sees how close Tom's face is.

Their noses are touching and their lips are so close that she was getting goosebumps.

"Is this okay?" Tom asks for consent.

Coralynn's heart swells up at his considerate question.

"Yes." she breathlessly says.

The one word was all the assurance that Tom needed before placing his lips on hers.

It wasn't a long kiss, but it felt like bliss to the both of them. The two had wanted this for so long and it had finally happened.

Coralynn couldn't help but smile into the kiss, to which Tom smiles back before breaking it off.

The blissful moment fades away when a loud honk of a car horn startles them. They jump away from each other and an unwanted silence fills the air once again.

"I... I'm going to go take a shower," Tom says as he shuffles back into the hotel room, leaving a speechless Coralynn smiling on the balcony overlooking the city of New York.

It finally happened! Proud of myself heheh. This was my first time writing a kissing scene hahah so I hope it was satisfactory :)

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