49. real life

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"I think we need to talk," Tom nervously says as they sit on the couch.

Zendaya had just dropped Coralynn and Tom off at Coralynn's house. They hadn't talked much on the way back, but it was only because Zendaya was there and she had seen more than enough of their relationship.

"Yeah, I think so too. Listen, I'm really sorry about leaving. I should've stayed and worked things out with you, and I know we had a lot planned and I kinda just ditched all of that." Coralynn frowns.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. It was my fault. I made horrible assumptions and lost my temper. I trust you so much and I'm so sorry I ever acted like that," Tom apologizes.

"I'm so glad we can move on from this. It wasn't worth breaking up for. I've missed you...a lot," Coralynn admits.

Tom's heart melts at her confession. He kisses her softly, pouring all of his love for her into it. Coralynn smiles into the kiss and deepens it, happy to be back in his arms.

Tom's arms snake around her waist and Coralynn wraps her arms around his neck. Everything felt blissful.


"So sue me, for looking so pretty tonight...wearing your favorite color under the lights...for moving on, doing everything right...sue me baby," Coralynn sings along with her own song playing on her phone while waiting for her cookies to finish baking.

She giggles when she feels Tom hug her from behind.

"The cookies smell delicious," Tom says after planting a kiss on Coralynn's cheek.

"And they're done!" Coralynn cheers when her timer rings.

Coralynn takes the freshly baked cookies out of the oven and gasps when she turns around at the sight of Tom with frosting on his fingers and on his lips.

"...Whoops?" Tom fakes an apologetic face.

Coralynn laughs and puts the cookies down before taking a picture of Tom, who poses playfully for her.

"Well I guess we'll have to eat the cookies plain," Coralynn rolls her eyes, pretending to be mad.

"That's okay, I could eat something much sweeter..." Tom smirks.

Coralynn's eyes widen at his suggestion, knowing exactly what he meant by that.

"Tom!" Coralynn gasps. "Horny much? I just wanted to frost these cookies," she scoffs.

"Exactly! I can make it up to you...if you know what I mean..." Tom wiggles his eyebrows, making Coralynn laugh. "I'm only kidding... unless?"

SUE ME! tom holland ✓Where stories live. Discover now