40. real life

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"Hi mum!" Tom says as his mom shows up on his phone screen.

"Hey love, how have you been?" His mom asks.

Tom starts catching up with his mom on FaceTime in Coralynn's living room while Coralynn makes lunch for them in the kitchen.

"Have you made plans to come home yet? We miss you lots," Nikki smiles.

"I'll be back in two weeks, mum!" Tom happily tells her.

"That's great! I can't wait. What about your girlfriend? Is she coming with you?" Nikki asks.

Tom's face flushes a bright shade of pink as he stutters, "Oh! You want to, uhm, meet her?"

"Of course Tom! We'd love to," Nikki chuckles at Tom's blushing face.

In the kitchen, Coralynn couldn't help but overhear a bit of their conversation. She smiles joyfully when she hears that Tom's family actually wanted to meet her. Picking up the two plates of spaghetti, Coralynn walks over to the living room where Tom is.

"Lunch is ready!" Coralynn says as she places the plates down.

"Oh my goodness! Is that her?" Coralynn hears Nikki say through Tom's phone.

"Uhm yeah, it is actually," Tom says as he motions for Coralynn to get in the frame.

Coralynn sits down next to Tom and grins when she sees Nikki on the screen.

"Hi Mrs. Holland!" Coralynn cheerfully greets.

"Hello darling! And please call me Nikki," Tom's mom excitedly says.

They chat for a while and get to know each other before a yell is heard in the background on Nikki's side.

"Mum!" Paddy shouts.

"Hold on a second," Nikki apologizes to the couple before putting her phone down.

She seems to have dealt with Paddy's problem pretty quickly because in just a couple minutes, Nikki was back on the screen with Paddy beside her.

"Hi Tom!" Paddy says.

"Hey Paddy, I've got someone to introduce you to!" Tom says as he moves his phone camera so that Coralynn is in the frame again.

Paddy adorably waves to Coralynn as Tom introduces them, "Uhm Paddy, this is Coralynn. And Coralynn, this is Paddy."

"Hi there Paddy!" Coralynn waves at the camera.

"Hi Coralynn! You're Tom's girlfriend?" Paddy asks.

Both Tom and Coralynn start blushing but Coralynn answers, "Yes, I am."

The four talk for a while longer and get to know each other a bit before Nikki and Paddy have to hang up.

Coralynn lets out a deep breath and faces Tom, "Do you think they liked me?"

Tom looks at her as if she had just said the craziest thing, "What do you mean? Of course they liked you!"

Tom places his hands on Coralynn's shoulders, "My mum literally wants me to take you with me back to London!"

"Oh really? Won't I be intruding your family time? I mean you barely see them with work and all," Coralynn asks.

"No way, they'll be so happy to meet you. Please come with me," Tom pouts, making Coralynn give in.

"Okay I will. But if I'm a nervous wreak, don't say I didn't warn you!"

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