42. real life

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TIME SKIP: two weeks later

Tom and Coralynn walk through the airport, looking for baggage claim. They find it, get their luggage, and head towards the exit.

As they wait to get picked up, Coralynn can feel her palms clamming up and her heart race speed up.

"You alright, darling?" Tom asks, noticing his girlfriend's nerves.

"Just a bit nervous is all," Coralynn replies, trying to shake it off.

"You have nothing to worry about. My family will love you," Tom assures the nervous young woman.

Unfortunately for Coralynn, Nikki arrives before she can say anything else. Coralynn composes herself while Nikki parks the car and opens the door to get out and greet them.

"Mum!" Tom exclaims as he hugs his mom.

"Hey sweetheart, I've missed you so much!" Nikki says to Tom, squeezing him with motherly warmth.

She turns towards Coralynn and smiles widely, "Coralynn! You're even more beautiful in real life."

Nikki brings Coralynn in to a hug and Coralynn is flooded with relief, "Thank you, it's so wonderful to meet you!"

"You too, sweetheart. C'mon, the rest of the family is dying to see you two," Nikki says, helping them put their luggage in the trunk.

The ride to Tom's house is anything but quiet. Coralynn feels much more at ease as she gets to know Tom's mother. She could only hope the rest of the family liked her as much as Nikki did.

When they arrive at the house, Coralynn and Tom get their luggage from the trunk and enter the house where everyone is waiting on the family room couches.

Most of Tom's family greet him first with hugs and smiles. Luckily, a familiar face goes up to Coralynn and hugs her.

"Haz! I didn't know you were going to be here!" Coralynn laughs as she gives him a hug.

"Surprise! I thought it would help if you had another familiar face here," Harrison replies.

"Aw really? You softie," Coralynn grins.

"Nah, he was here to see me of course!" Tom jokes, giving his best friend a hug as well.

Tom's dad walks up to Coralynn, "You must be Tom's girlfriend! Nice to meet you, I'm Tom's dad, Dominic."

Coralynn shakes his hand and introduces herself, "So nice to meet you, I'm Coralynn."

Just then, two of Tom's younger brothers, Sam and Harry, walk up behind their dad.

"Oh we know. Tom is always talking about you," Harry says, making Coralynn's cheeks warm up.

"I'm Sam and that's Harry," Sam says to Coralynn.

"Nice to meet you guys!" Coralynn laughs.

Someone tapping her shoulder makes Coralynn turn around. She smiles when she recognizes who it is, "Hi Paddy!"

Paddy says hi and waves at her, then the whole group migrates back into the family room. They all talk for a while before it gets late and everyone decides to call it a night.

Coralynn follows Tom to his room and smiles when they enter, "I don't know why but this room is so you."

Tom laughs and begins unpacking. Coralynn does the same and they get ready for bed.

Both of them lay down on the bed and look at each other.

"Your family is so wonderful, Tom." Coralynn grins as she pulls the blankets over them.

"I told you so." Tom smirks, wrapping his arm around her. The two talk for a while longer before falling asleep in each other's warm embrace.

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