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published by E! News

We are delighted to share the news with you all! Tomalynn has been confirmed by the couple themselves!

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We are delighted to share the news with you all! Tomalynn has been confirmed by the couple themselves!

Tonight was the big SpiderMan Homecoming movie premiere and our favorite superhero, Spiderman, has brought his Mary Jane onto the red carpet!

We were ecstatic to be invited to the premiere and visibly gasped when we saw Tom Holland climb out of a limo with none other than Coralynn Adams!

Fans have been shipping them for a while now, ever since they began interacting a few months ago. Many speculated about the two of them dating and thus the ship name, Tomalynn, was created.

They had even supposedly gone on a date while in New York City. A while ago, Tom posted a photo of Coralynn Adams on his instagram with the caption, "first date, kinda nervous 🤪" which had us all shook!

We also know that the pair flew back to LA together since Coralynn posted a photo of her and Tom on the plane captioned, "the doof sitting next to me on the plane is so annoying!"

Many of their mutual friends such as Zendaya Coleman, Jacob Batalon, Harrison Osterfield, Rebecca Wilson, and Cassandra Adams also seem to ship Tomalynn! On numerous occasions, they've commented on how cute and absolutely fitting the couple is. There has even been some inside jokes left on instragram every once in a while which leads us to believe there is much more to the story of Tomalynn to be investigated!

But for now, here is our interview with Tom Holland and Coralynn Adams on the red carpet of SpiderMan Homecoming!

E!News: Hi there! What a pleasant surprise to see you two on the red carpet together!

Tom: Thank you!

E!News: You both look amazing!

Coralynn: so do you!

E!News: Aw, thank you Coralynn!
How excited are you two for tonight?

Tom: So excited! I can't wait for everyone to see this movie.

Coralynn: I'm so proud of Tom and all our friends who were in this movie so I can't wait to go inside and watch it!

E!News: That's so sweet! May I ask the question everyone is dying to hear the answer to?

Tom: Ask away!

E!News: Okay... are you two dating?

Tom: We are! We'll actually be posting a photo on instragram later tonight so look out for it!

E!News: Wow! I sure will be. How long have you been dating?

Coralynn: For two weeks now! We've never been happier.

E!News: That's so great to hear! I can't believe Tomalynn is real, I'm so happy for you two.

Tom: Thank you so much!

Coralynn: We appreciate it a lot.

E!News: Of course! Enjoy your night, and thank you for allowing me to interview you two!

AHH YA GIRL GOT TICKETS FOR END GAME (also I'm not sick anymore god bless)

SUE ME! tom holland ✓Where stories live. Discover now