44. real life

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"I'm nervous," Coralynn says for the fifth time since they've entered the venue.

Tom places his hands on Coralynn's shoulders and looks straight into her eyes, calming her down.

"You'll be fine, darling. More than fine! My family will love you no matter what," Tom assures her.

Coralynn nods and takes a deep breath. A stage manager knocks on Coralynn's dressing room door and tells her she is on in five.

Tom leaves to go join his family in the back of the room that Coralynn is going to perform in. It was his family's first time hearing Coralynn sing in real life but Tom knew his family would love Coralynn as much as he does.

Taking another deep breath, Coralynn walks onstage and is greeted with loud cheering and clapping. She walks to the gold couch across from her guitarist and sits down. The cheers die down and she begins talking to the crowd, "So Youtube, we here today-" Coralynn pauses as she realizes that wasn't a sentence. Luckily, the crowd just laughs and Coralynn continues talking, "That was not a sentence, uh, Youtube has been so supportive since the very beginning of my career. I literally couldn't be here today cause I started posting covers on YouTube when I was nine -- don't look them up."

Coralynn pauses to reposition herself while the crowd laughs and fans yell out responses to her last remark.

As she repositions herself, Coralynn makes brief eye contact with Tom who is smiling widely at her and laughing along with the crowd. Next to him, Tom's entire family is also enjoying themselves and Coralynn has only been up on stage for a few minutes.

Seeing Tom immediately made Coralynn feel more at ease and she is able to playfully joke, "Don't show them to your friends at least, because that was a long time-"

As she's talking, Coralynn hears a fan and amusedly responds, "Did you say too late?!" which makes everyone laugh including Tom and his family.

Coralynn talks some more about Youtube before beginning to talk about her song, sue me. She easily speaks to the crowd, feeling as though they were all having a natural conversation like friends do and not a celebrity to fan interaction.

Eventually she finishes telling everyone the story of when she got sued and begins singing sue me.

As she sings, Coralynn makes eye contact with Tom who is still giving her a wide smile and cheering her on. Coralynn even sees the rest of Tom's family swaying along to the song which makes her smile as she sings.

When Coralynn finishes singing sue me, she takes a sip of water while the crowd cheers for her. She smiles at everyone gratefully and talks to them some more before eventually having to end the show.

When she goes backstage, Coralynn immediately sees Tom and his family. She runs over to them and gives Tom a hug before looking at his family.

"You were amazing sweetheart!" Nikki gushes, also giving Coralynn a hug.

Coralynn gratefully responds, "Thank you, I'm so glad you enjoyed it!"

"Of course! We all did," Nikki says, referring to the whole family.

"Just one question," Dominic asks, "How did our Tom get so lucky?"

His rhetorical question makes Coralynn blush madly and Tom playfully shake his head.

"Gee thanks dad," Tom laughs.

"But I mean really! Coralynn, you are so talented," Dominic complements, causing Coralynn's face to turn a shade redder as she shyly thanks him.

Once she regains her composure, Coralynn thanks Tom's family again for coming as they walk out of the venue. Tom was right, she really didn't have anything to worry about. Tom's family loved her and so did he.

SUE ME! tom holland ✓Where stories live. Discover now