35. real life

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"VEGAS BABYYY!" Harrison shouts as the group of six walks out the airport doors.

"Geez Haz, we get it." Jacob rolls his eyes playfully in response to Harrison's theatrics.

After loading all of their luggage into the trunk, the group piles into the car waiting to take them to their hotel.

Tom, Harrison, Jacob, Cassandra, Rebecca, and Zendaya had all come to Las Vegas to surprise Coralynn for her birthday. It was already late into the afternoon by the time all of them arrived so the group had to quickly get to the hotel and get ready for Coralynn's concert.

Meanwhile, Coralynn was backstage getting ready for her performance. As she still had two hours before she had go on stage, she texted some of her friends. Much to her dismay, none of them responded before she was called into hair and makeup.

later that evening

"Thank you Vegas!" Maggie Lindemann shouts to the cheering crowd after opening the show for Coralynn, "Now, please welcome the birthday girl! Coralynn Adams everybody!"

The cheers only get louder as Coralynn walks on stage and the music for Almost Love begins playing. Amongst the crowd were Tom, Harrison, Jacob, Cassandra, Rebecca, and Zendaya, all cheering their hearts out for her.

To say the concert was great would be an understatement. All of Coralynn's friends were wowed by her incredible performance, especially Tom.

The young actor could not keep his eyes off his girlfriend. It was like he was in a trance, unable to look away. The way Coralynn sung and danced on stage was mesmerizing in his eyes and the concert felt like it ended all too quickly.

Tom finally snapped out of it when Zendaya started rushing him towards the exit, "C'mon Tom! We have to get backstage, the concert is almost over."

Quickly, the group of six exit the arena and go through the backdoor. They watch as Coralynn finishes the last song and then get ready to surprise her onstage.

"Thank you all for coming tonight! I hope you all had as much fun as I did." Coralynn says into the microphone.

Suddenly, the crowd begins cheering louder than ever before. Coralynn furrows her eyebrows when she notices several fans pointing behind her. She turns around and gasps when she sees six of the most important people in her life holding a birthday cake and walking towards her.

"Oh my gosh!" Coralynn gasps as she walks closer to them.

"SURPRISE!" All of them say as they hold the cake closer to her.

Tom grabs a microphone and says, "On the count of 3! 1...2...3..."

The crowd joins her friends as they all sing happy birthday to Coralynn. It really was an emotionally moving moment for the newly 21 year old girl, who was beaming with happiness.

Coralynn blows out the candles on the beautiful cake when they finish singing. It was truly a special moment for her and she couldn't herself as happy tears began rolling down her face.

She holds up the microphone and between sniffs she says, "Oh my god, thank you! I can't believe everyone came out to Las Vegas just for me. I love you all so much."

The crowd awes as Coralynn's friends all pull her into a group hug. The concert officially ends a few moments later and they all go backstage.

"I can't believe you're all here." Coralynn exclaims while wiping her joyful tears.

Tom wraps his arms around her and gently kisses her forehead, "We wouldn't have missed it, love."

Everyone whoops and laughs as Jacob and Harrison say, "NOW IT'S TIME TO CELEBRATE!"

thank you for 6k reads ! so grateful ahh love you guys <333

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