10. real life

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Quick note! I was originally making the dinner party at a restaurant but I got stuck while writing it so now it is being held at Coralynn's house. That's all, hope you enjoy the chapter!

Coralynn patiently waits behind the railing for her sister to walk out of the terminal gate. After sending a quick text telling Cassandra that she was there, Coralynn begins to scroll though instagram to pass time.

Somehow, she ends up on Tom's feed and finds herself looking through his old posts. She was trying to avoid this as she wanted to actually get to know Tom herself, but she just couldn't resist when she saw pictures of him and his adorable dog, Tessa.

Suddenly, Coralynn feels a pair of hands land on her shoulders along with a loud "BOO!" in her ears, making her jump. She turns around quickly, relieved to see it was just her sister who's laughing and filming a video of her.

Some people had turned their way from the commotion so Coralynn gives her sister a glare and says, "Cass! Stop recording, gosh this is so embarrasing."

"No, this is priceless! I can't believe I just got a video of you stalking Tom Holland on instagram," Cassandra continues to laugh as they made their way out of the terminal.

"I was not stalking him! And you better not share that video with anyone else," Coralynn says.

"Mmm, can't promise that! Maybe I'll show him at dinner tonight," Cassandra playfully teases.

Coralynn crosses her arms and jokingly complains, "You've been back for five minutes, and I already want you gone."

Cassandra waves her off, "Oh hush, you love me."

- later that evening -

"Is everything ready?" Cassandra asks, walking out of the guest bedroom.

"Just about," Coralynn replies, finishing up laying out the silverware.

Just then, the doorbell rings and Cassandra rushes to the door. She unlocks and opens it, revealing Rebecca who squeals at the sight of her friend. She walks in and immediately gives Cassandra a huge bear hug, telling her how much she missed her. Then they close the door and make their way into the open concept space where Coralynn was. Rebecca tackles Coralynn into a tight hug even though they had just seen each other the other day. The three sit and chat excitedly on the couch while awaiting the other guests.

It doesn't take long for most of their guests to arrive and the dinner party to be in full-swing. There's laughter and conversations in every corner. Some are congratulating Coralynn on her album, while others are catching up with Cassandra.

Meanwhile, outside Coralynn's house, Tom and Zendaya are trying to find a parking space in the crowded neighborhood. Eventually, they park the car and Tom lets it all set in. He suddenly feels extremely anxious as it began to hit him that he was meeting Coralynn and many of her friends for the first time in just a few moments.

Slowly but surely, Tom and Zendaya reach the front door of Coralynn's house.

"You ready, Tom?" Zendaya asks, her finger hovering over the doorbell.

"N-not really, but I don't think I have much of a choice," Tom answers, running this fingers through his hair one more time.

Zendaya presses the doorbell and after a few seconds, they hear the door being unlocked. Coralynn smiles when she opens the door to see Tom and Zendaya.

Knowing that Tom was nervous, Zendaya steps forward first and gives Coralynn a hug. Coralynn greets Zendaya happily before ushering her inside and turning to Tom. She had to admit her heart skipped a beat. He looked even better in person than on a phone screen.

"Tom! So glad you could make it," Coralynn smiles as she pulls him into a hug. Not to be creepy but she takes a whiff of his scent as she hugged him for the first time, smelling faint traces of an expensive cologne.

Coralynn's hug caught Tom off guard so much that he could barely let out a put-together sentence when he hugged her back.

"Me too!" Tom replies, immediately regretting not saying something more charismatic for her first impression of him. Luckily, Coralynn is smiling brightly at him as they release each other from the hug.

"Come on in! I'll give you a tour real quick since this is your first time here," Coralynn offers.

After Tom walks in, Coralynn closes the front door and then leads him into the open concept space where everyone is. Some are on the couch, others are at the dinning table waiting for food to be served.

"Okay now that everyone is here, I'd like to introduce Tom Holland," Coralynn says, gesturing to Tom who gave everyone a small wave and a smile.

"Hey everyone," Tom says, which received responses of hi's and nice to meet you's.

Quickly, Coralynn gives Tom a brief tour of her house. Other than the open concept space, which included her living room, dinning room, and kitchen, there was only a hallway and a bathroom. She didn't take him upstairs but told him that it was just her master bedroom, a guest bedroom, and another bathroom up there. Then, they returned to the large room and joined everyone else in there.

Tom begins to make rounds and meets everyone else including Coralynn's sister, Cassandra, and Coralynn's best friend, Rebecca.

Tom's anxiousness slowly fades away as he becomes more comfortable at the dinner party.

A bell dings and everyone turns to the kitchen. "Okay everyone, please take a seat at the dinning table! Dinner is ready," Coralynn announces.

A few people cheer and compliment her cooking while everyone take their seats. Coralynn brings out the dishes and places them in the middle of her dinning table. Everyone begins digging in when she sits back down at the table.

The dinner party continues on.

thank you for 500+ reads ! hope you guys liked this chapter, it took me a while so feedback would be appreciated very much :)

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