46. real life

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Coralynn walks out of the bathroom, only to see Tom with his arms crossed on the bed.

"You wanna shower now?" Coralynn asks.

When Tom obviously ignores her, she knew something was wrong. "Tom, did something happen?"

He stays silent.

"Why are you ignoring me?" Coralynn asks, furrowing her eyebrows.

"You know exactly what you did." Tom grumpily mumbles.

"I don't understand, what do you mean?" Coralynn asks as she sits down next to Tom on the bed.

"Oh don't play dumb!" Tom bursts, finally looking up at her.

Coralynn is shocked at his outburst, "Excuse me? What are you on about?"

"Cut the crap, Cora. Who the fuck is Ben?" Tom angrily confronts her.

"Ben? Cassandra's boyfriend, Ben?" Coralynn confusedly asks.

"Wha-no! The Ben that just texted you a picture of an engagement ring!" Tom yells.

Suddenly, it all made sense to her. She had been texting Ben, Cassandra's boyfriend, who was planning to propose to Cassandra and wanted Coralynn's help with finding a ring that her sister would love. She had totally forgotten he was ring shopping today since she got so caught up in having fun with Tom exploring the city. Realizing what Tom had assumed of her, Coralynn starts fuming at his lack of faith in her.

"An engagement ring for Cassandra! Geez Tom, how daft can you be?" Coralynn rolls her eyes, now getting worked up.

"Oh... I'm so sorry, I didn't know." Tom's eyes soften and he sighs, looking down as he tried to process what he had just assumed of his girlfriend.

"Of course you didn't and I admit I probably should've told you sooner but we were still planning and I totally forgot he was ring shopping today because I was having such a good day with you! But that still doesn't give you the right to think I would ever cheat on you!" Coralynn begins to yell.

"Darling, I-" Tom tried to say.

"Oh no, you don't get to darling me! If you thought I was cheating, you should've at least asked before thinking the worst of me! I can't believe you don't trust me," Coralynn says, standing up and crossing her arms.

"I do trust you! I was just afraid of losing you, p-please understand." Tom says, standing up as well and placing his hand on her shoulder.

Coralynn shrugs his hand off her shoulder and furiously says, "Well too bad Tom, you just did."

Coralynn turns around and begins packing her stuff back into her suitcase.

"Coralynn, please stop!" Tom panics, trying to stop her from packing up.

"No, Tom. Please, I need some space from you right now." Coralynn's voice cracks as she continues to pack. She needed to leave. She was too furious and heartbroken at the same time to think properly right now. Memories of her last relationship were rushing back into her mind and she really didn't want to think about that right now. 

"What, so you're going to go h-home?" Tom asks with a broken voice.

Coralynn nods sadly, "I'm sorry, Tom. I just need time to think about what just happened." She looks anywhere but at him, it was too painful to look into his tearful eyes right now. Everything was too painful, so she zipped up her suitcase and walked towards the door.

"I'll... I'll see you back in LA," Coralynn sighs and leaves. 

Tom sits down on his bed and covers his face with his hands. He hears a knock on his door and through sobs he says, "Come in."

Nikki pokes her head inside and gasps at the sight of Tom crying.
"Sweetheart, what happened? Coralynn just said goodbye and left!"

"I messed up mum, really badly." Tom sobs as his mother sits down besides him to comfort him.

"It'll be okay, Tom. Give her time. You and Coralynn are meant to be. You can fix this," Nikki says, rubbing Tom's shoulders.

"I hope so mum, I really hope so."

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