51. real life

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It was Christmas Eve Eve and the two lovers were currently jamming out in the car, on their way to Coralynn's childhood home. They decided to make it a fun eight hour road trip instead of a dreadful flight at the airport. They only had a day left to spend together before Tom flew back to England for Christmas with his family, so they wanted to be able to spend their valuable time together as loudly as they wanted, which was something they wouldn't be able to do on a plane.

When the song ends, Tom grins and asks, "Didn't we met because of this song?"

Coralynn smiles at the thought of the memory, "Yup, all the way back in January."

"And now it's December... Woah, we've known each other for almost a year," Tom realizes.

"Can't believe you're not sick of me yet," Coralynn jokes, nudging Tom's shoulder.

"I could never be," Tom says, placing his hand on top of Coralynn's.


The car engine dies down as Coralynn and Tom pull up to the driveway. Tom grabs their luggage from the trunk while Coralynn goes up to the front door to ring the doorbell.

Danielle and Cory Adams excitedly open the door and greet their daughter with a warm hug. Cory slides past Coralynn to go outside to help Tom with the luggage.

Cory helps Tom take one of the suitcases out of the trunk, "Here, let me help you with that."

"Thanks, Mr. Adams. It's good to see you again," Tom says since he had briefly met Coralynn's parents at Madison Square Garden when they surprised her.

"Good to see you again too, Tom. And you can just call me Cory," Cory replies as the two of them close the trunk and head inside the house.

"Hello Tom, so happy you're here! Even if it's only for a night," Danielle greets Tom when he comes inside.

"Thanks for having me, Danielle. Where should I put our luggage?" Tom asks.

"Upstairs, in Coralynn's room. Second door on the left," Danielle tells him.

Tom nods and smiles before heading upstairs to put the luggage away. On the way to Coralynn's room, Tom passes by an open door. He stops and walks back when a voice calls out for him from that room.

"Tom! Is that you?" Cassandra asks from her childhood bedroom.

"Hey Cass! Hi Ben," Tom greets when he walks in the room.

At first things were a little awkward because of the whole ring situation that had happened, but Tom and Ben were able to move past it, thankfully.

Ben and Cassandra get up to hug Tom and then they are called downstairs for dinner.

Coralynn helps her mom as they bring the delicious smelling dishes over to the dinning table. Everyone takes a seat and begin to help themselves to placing food on their plates.

Before they eat, Danielle speaks up, "Before we eat, I'd like to make a toast to the new couple this year, Coralynn and Tom. And also to the newly engaged couple, Ben and Cassandra!"

Champagne glasses are raised and clinks go all around the room as they toast. As expected, dinner went wonderfully.

i suck at ending chapters lmao but hey i'm finally back hehe

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