23. real life

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Coralynn reached for yet another tissue and sighed as she wiped her nose.

She was pretty sure that she had gotten sick from the kids that sat next to her on the plane. She had so graciously offered to take the middle seat so that Tom could have the aisle seat, and this is how she gets repaid. Somehow, Tom was the lucky one and didn't get sick while she was the one spending all day in bed miserably.

She hasn't seen Tom since they went their separate ways after landing in LA. The day after, Coralynn woke up sick and stayed home. Tom found out after a long text message conversation with Coralynn but couldn't visit her since he was stuck filming on set immediately after landing. Luckily, Rebecca and Cassandra were free and came to Coralynn's rescue.

As of now, she's been sick for a few days and Tom has yet to visit her. Even Zendaya had came the day before, and she had been on set filming too.

Coralynn almost began to wonder if Tom regretted the time they had spent together in New York. She wasn't even sure what exactly they were yet.

The only thing reassuring Coralynn that Tom wasn't purposely avoiding her was the heartfelt texts he's been sending her. She would get a message from him every morning before he went on set and every night when he finished. He didn't have a lot of time to text in between filming but always made sure to text Coralynn something incredibly sweet when he had the time.

Tom felt awful for not visiting Coralynn yet. She hadn't left her house in days. Paparazzi loved taking pictures of sick celebrities for some reason, and always post the ugliest ones.

Finally, Tom had a day off from filming and decided to surprise Coralynn. He sent her yet another sweet good morning text so she wouldn't suspect anything. He picked up flowers and a pizza on the way to her house since it was nearing noon.  

When Coralynn heard the doorbell ring, she was surprised since she wasn't expecting anyone. She dragged herself out of bed and made her way down the stairs.

"Tom?" Coralynn wonders when she sees the locks of brown hair through the peephole.

She unlocks the door and smiles when she sees that it is indeed Tom standing on her front step, holding flowers and a pizza.

"Hey love," he says softly, handing her the flowers.

She invites him inside and places the flowers in a glass of water. Tom follows her upstairs and notices the alarming amount of tissues in her trash can.

"Woah, are you feeling alright?" he asks, concerned.

She smiles as she crawls back under the covers, "Well I'm better now that you're here."

"That's sweet, but seriously. Are you getting any better?"

"Definitely better than the first few days. I still can't believe you didn't get sick." she crosses her arms and fakes being mad at him which makes Tom chuckle.

"How do you still look so cute when you're sick?" Tom asks as he lays down next to her.

"Ah! Don't get too close, I don't want you to get sick." Coralynn says as she shoo's him away.

"I thought you were mad I'm not sick?" he teases.

"Yeah but like you said, you won't look as cute as me if you're sick." she replies playfully, rolling her eyes.

Tom only chooses to scoot even closer to Coralynn and wraps his arms around her as she lays her head on his shoulder, "Well, I guess I'm willing to look horrible if that means I get to cuddle with my girl."

"Your girl, huh?" she looks up at him with an eyebrow raised to tease him but still smiles brightly at the words.

"Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that you're my girl now?" he asks her, placing a soft kiss on the top of her head.

"You did, but that's more than okay with me." Coralynn responds, snuggling closer into Tom.

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