13. real life

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there's been a time skip of about 1-2 weeks since the last chapter :) this chapter is inspired by this video !

2021 update: the video i used in 2018 is now unavailable :( i added the only other video of her on the today show for sue me so you can watch but it won't match up with the story anymore i'm sorryyy

"Coming up, she's the young actress turned singer-songwriter who is catching everybody's attention," one of the today show hosts begins saying.

"Coralynn Adams performs her hot new single right after this," the other host adds on.

With that being her cue, Coralynn steps on stage and walks over to the microphone as the cameras begin rolling again. Wearing a hot pink suit with her hair up in a pony tail, Coralynn chats with the hosts about her career before performing her song, sue me.

Coralynn was in New York City promoting her new album, and everything was very hectic at the moment. Her schedule was packed with interviews, performances, and meetings. But despite the busy schedule, Coralynn was excited to be here. She was accomplishing so many of the things she dreamt of as a little girl. She was even going to be playing Madison Square Garden in just a few days! It was truly a dream come true.

"Sue me baby," Coralynn finishes her performance off with vocalizing.

The crowd and hosts cheer at the end of her performance. The girl smiles gratefully and genuinely thanks them all. Once her segment ends, she walks backstage where she is surprisingly greeted by a group of people she loves.

"CONGRATS CORA!" everyone screams while bombarding her with a giant group hug.

"AWW! Thank you all so much," Coralynn gasps as she is handed several bouquets of flowers and gift bags. The surge of love she's receiving right now is so overwhelming that the girl's eyes begin to tear up.

She wraps her arms tightly around her parents and Cassandra who had flown to New York just to see her perform here and Madison Square Garden in a few days. Some of her friends did the same, including Rebecca and Zendaya.

Tom had texted her a few nights ago to tell her that he couldn't make it because he still had work to do in Los Angeles. Of course, Coralynn was disappointed at first. After all, they had been talking almost everyday since they had met.

"Tom is so sad he can't be here, but here. He wanted me to give this to you," Zendaya says as she hands Coralynn a note.

Confused, Coralynn read the note which simply said, "A surprise is waiting for you in your hotel room <3"

SUE ME! tom holland ✓Where stories live. Discover now