17. real life

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Tom watched her with adoring eyes.

She had just come offstage after performing for the first time at Madison Square Garden, and he couldn't be happier for her.

It had been a few minutes since she was graciously attacked by her loving family and close friends. Tom decided to stay in the back for a bit out of respect for her and the people she's known for years. He's only known her for a month anyways.

While the room began clearing up and only a few people were remaining, Tom straightened up and ran the plan over again through his head.

On her way out, Zendaya gives Tom a not-so-subtle pat on the back and wishes him luck. He only nods in return as nervousness begins to rise in him.

Tom watches as Coralynn hugs Rebecca and says goodbye to her. Noticing Tom on her way out, Rebecca wiggles her eyebrows knowingly at him. Tom sends her a playful glare before finally turning to Coralynn.

He smiles brightly when Coralynn's face lights up at the sight of him. She had been dying to talk to him since she got off stage, desperate to know what he thought of her performance.

"Tom! I'm so happy you're here," she squeals, nearly jumping into his outstretched arms.

"Me too! I'm so proud of you," Tom replies as he wraps his arms around her.

"Thank you," she says into the crook of his neck, a warm blush rising onto her cheeks as she tightens her hold on him.

They reluctantly release each other and both smile shyly, waiting for one another to make a move.

"So, uh, do you have any other plans for tonight?" Tom nervously asks.

A small smile of anticipation spreads over her face and she quickly shakes her head, "No, not at all!Why?"

"That's great!" Tom says, trying not to come off too enthusiastic. "I was just hoping we could hang out... just the two of us?"

Coralynn can't hide the big smile that breaks out after hearing Tom's offer and, of course, she agrees to it.

They sneak out the backdoor, managing to not be caught by paparazzi and decide on just ordering room service.

So, hand in hand, they walk down the chilly streets of New York City to Coralynn's hotel. Conversation came naturally and laughter eased its way into every little thing that was said. To say they both enjoyed each other's company would be an understatement.

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