45. real life

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Coralynn has been in London with Tom for five days now and things could not have been going any better.

She felt right at home with Tom's family and was extremely happy. Coralynn and Tom still had over a week until they had to go back to LA but they were not wasting a second, wanting to spend as much time together in this beautiful city as possible.

They had every day planned out and were really living their best lives together. Everything was going wonderfully.


"Ow, my feet are sore," Coralynn groans as she takes off her heels.

It had been yet another day of exploring London with Tom and her feet were killing her from all the walking. 

"I told you not to wear heels darling," Tom says with a teasing tone.

"I know, I know. I should've listened to you," Coralynn pouts.

"I'll run you a hot bath," Tom offers, making Coralynn smile gratefully at his thoughtfulness.

They walk into Tom's bathroom and Tom begins running the bath while Coralynn takes off her makeup.

Once the tub is filled, Tom tells Coralynn, "Okay, your bath is ready!"

"Thank you, love. You're the best," Coralynn thanks, giving Tom a quick kiss.

"Oh! Could you charge my phone for me? It's about to die," Coralynn asks.

Tom nods, grabs her phone, and walks out of the bathroom.

As he plugs Coralynn's phone in, Tom notices a notification on her screen.

His eyebrows furrow and he turns her phone on just to make sure he wasn't seeing things.

Unfortunately, his eyes weren't deceiving him. Under the time, a text from someone named Ben read, "What do you think of this one? ;)" along with an attachment of a photo of a ring.

However, the photo was too small for him to be sure what it was. So, hesitantly, Tom slides the message left and clicks view, only to see an enlarged image of a beautiful diamond ring.

Tom's eyes widen and he is immediately filled with a feeling of disbelief. Angry and hurt, Tom turns off Coralynn's phone and quickly puts it back.

He is already thinking of the worst case scenarios even though he knows he shouldn't be. Coralynn wouldn't cheat on him... right?

sorry for the cliffhanger hehe things are about to go down 😳

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