11. real life

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"Tell us all the tea about spiderman far from home!" a tipsy Cassandra giggles.

"Ooouu Tom, you gonna spill the tea?" Zendaya teases, knowing that Tom was horrible at keeping spoilers, especially while he was drunk.

"N-no, I do not plan on spoiling a-anything!" Tom hiccups. He may or may not have had a couple of drinks.

The five friends were sitting on the fluffy rug in Coralynn's room upstairs. It was nearly one in the morning, and the rest of the guests had all gone home before midnight. Rebecca, Zendaya, and Tom had all drank a bit and used that as an excuse to stay overnight, which neither Coralynn or Cassandra minded. Hours of conversation and laughter pass, and they eventually all fall asleep. 

- the next morning -

Coralynn wakes up tucked into her bed. She rubs her head and groans as her hangover began kicking in. Looking on top of her bedside table, she notices a pill (that she unfortunately recognizes having taken it so many mornings after getting drunk the night before) and quickly takes it with the glass of water next to it.

Slowly but surely, she makes her way out of bed and into the upstairs hallway. Immediately, she hears talking and the smell of coffee fills her senses. Downstairs, she finds her friends talking in the kitchen with cups of coffee in their hands.

Rebecca turns and notices Coralynn walking into the room, "Morning Cora, or should I say good afternoon?"

"Is it really that late? Wow," Coralynn exclaims as she glances up at the clock which read one in the afternoon.

"Yeah, but don't worry. We all just got up an hour ago," Tom reassures her.

Coralynn walks over to the kitchen and thanks Tom as he hands her a cup of coffee. Their fingers don't brush but her heart skips a beat all the same, just as it had all night long whenever she was close to Tom.

As Coralynn finishes her coffee and the others wash up their cups, they all decide to go out for some late lunch.

"Hold on, I have to go to the bathroom before we leave," Tom says, drawing groans from everyone who was ready to go.

After Tom closes the bathroom door, Cassandra quickly turns to Coralynn.

"Cora, did you know that Tom was the one who tucked you into bed? It was so cute," Cassandra tells her excitedly.

"Oh yeah, almost forgot about that! It was like three in the morning and you fell asleep so he offered to carry you to your bed and tuck you in," Zendaya somehow casually describes.

Coralynn is pretty sure her jaw dropped to the floor but before she could say anything, Tom opens the bathroom door and walks out.

"I'm ready to go!"

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