30. real life

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"Got everything, darling?" Tom asks from the doorway.

"Yup, I think so!" Coralynn replies, eyes scanning over her luggage one last time.

The two take Coralynn's things down the stairs and put them into the trunk of the Uber they had ordered.

On the way to the airport, all Coralynn could think about was how much she would miss Tom. They've barely left each other's side since they became official. Tom often stayed at Coralynn's house overnight instead of returning to his hotel. This would be their first time in a while being separated. She dreaded having to leave him, she hated long goodbyes.

Tom was definitely disappointed he couldn't go on tour with Coralynn like Cassandra and Rebecca were. It was going to be weird going back to his hotel room and actually sleeping there. He had spent so much time with Coralynn, Tom wasn't sure how he was going to live without her marvelous cooking everyday (and her presence of course, but the food is good too ya know?).

Once they reached the airport, Coralynn and Tom got out of the car and grabbed Coralynn's stuff from the  trunk. They walked inside and lined up for check in.

After checking in, they met up with the rest of Coralynn's tour crew. Tom and Coralynn sit down with the group while they wait for the tour group's flight to Florida to be called. 

Coralynn leans against Tom and lays her head on his shoulder. Tom sighs and wraps his arms around her, placing a quick kiss on the top of her head.

"I'm going to miss you so much," Coralynn sighs.

"I'm going to miss you more, love. But I want you to know that I'm really proud of you, okay? You're going to be out there living your dreams!" Tom assures her.

"Thank you Tom, that means a lot to me. I just wish you could come with me," Coralynn says.

"Me too, but it's only a month. We'll be okay, I know it," Tom tells her.

"Yeah, I know. Promise to call every day?" Coralynn asks as she holds her pinkie up in front of Tom.

Tom chuckles and wraps his own pinkie around hers, "Of course, love."

"Flight 420 from LA to Orlando boarding now."

Hearing the cue, the pair stand up and hug one last time.

"See you soon, okay?" Tom asks.

Coralynn gives Tom a sad smile, "Yeah, I'll call you when I get off the plane." 

Tom swiftly pulls Coralynn closer and they share a heart warming kiss before pulling away. Reluctantly, Coralynn grabs her carry-on and joins the rest of her tour crew. 

Tom waves goodbye to Coralynn and watches as she boards her plane. Once she is out of sight, Tom sighs and calls for another uber to take him to his lonely hotel room.

SUE ME! tom holland ✓Where stories live. Discover now