48. real life

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Tom had just gotten off the plane and was heading to baggage claim. He sent Zendaya a quick text while waiting for his luggage.

After a few pictures with fans and grabbing his luggage, Tom began walking around looking for Zendaya.

"Tom?" an all too familiar voice behind him asks.

Tom froze at the sound of the voice he recognized in an instant. He could feel his heart beating faster and shock reign over his facial features.

"...Tom?" the voice of the love of his life asked again.

Tom couldn't do it, he couldn't turn around. He wasn't prepared at all, why did Zendaya do this to him?!

He hears Coralynn sigh and her shoes click against the cold concrete of the airport floor.

And then, there she was. Right in front of him. He was sure his heart was about to burst out of his chest.

Although she had more time to prepare herself, Coralynn was speechless at the sight of Tom. The speech she had practiced over and over in her head had disappeared from her mind completely.

They stared at each other for what felt like hours, both of them felt like they couldn't move. Their hearts were beating wildly and their brains were screaming at them to do something but their bodies stayed still and frozen in place.

"Are you kidding me? I didn't come all this way for nothing!" Zendaya frustratedly exclaims.

Both of them finally snap out of it and turn to look at Zendaya who was rolling her eyes.

"C'mon you two, make up already! I am so tired of being the middleman," Zendaya sighs.

When neither of them move, Zendaya uses both her arms to push the two of them closer together.

"Tom I-" Coralynn starts.

"Cora I-" Tom starts at the same time.

Surprisingly, both of them let out a chuckle at how in sync they always are.

"I'm sorry-" Tom begins.

"I'm sorry-" Coralynn begins at the same time again.

Tom and Coralynn both grin at each other. For a few seconds, neither of them say anything. Both were waiting for the other to start so that they wouldn't begin talking at the same time again.

They're looking into each other's eyes and standing there in silence. Just as Coralynn was about to break the silence, Tom catches her by surprise.

As she was lost in his eyes, Coralynn didn't even realize that Tom was significantly closer to her than before.

Tom had been absent-mindedly leaning closer to Coralynn. And now, they were only a few inches apart and it gave Tom goosebumps just feeling how close they were.

He looks into her eyes, silently asking permission to be hers again. Both of them knew there weren't enough words to describe how they were feeling. Coralynn nodded, giving Tom permission, since she knew that actions would speak louder than words in their situation.

He couldn't help himself, all of his feelings for her came rushing back as soon as she nodded. He leans in and captures Coralynn's lips in his own.

Coralynn's eyes widen at the contact but the familiar, warm feeling of Tom's lips on hers makes her melt into his embrace.

"FINALLY!" Zendaya shouts, breaking them apart.

"Took you guys long enough. Let's go, I've been waiting for an hour!" Zendaya complains as she pushes the two of them towards the exit.

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